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Can this REALLY be as good as it looks?
40inches - 12/5/09 at 02:52 PM

tegwin - 12/5/09 at 02:54 PM

It would be a complete PITA to get it to sit that snugly on a compound curved surface like that... I suspect its a load of balls....

chris_smith - 12/5/09 at 02:56 PM

have you ever tried to stick vinyl to anything? its a right PITA even on flat surfaces i would give it a wide berth personally


loggyboy - 12/5/09 at 03:04 PM

I rembemer getting some free carbon look stuff years back with a magzine, i was young so i popped it where ever I could on my MK1 fiesta! It was quite easy to heat up with a haridryer and stetch over curved bits of trim and I even got it to g round the edges of my interior mirror neatly.

40inches - 12/5/09 at 03:09 PM

I agree that it is a pig to get right, I was a bit amazed at the look of it I have seen vinyl before, but not with that degree of gloss! I wonder if the parts shown are actually carbon fibre?

balidey - 12/5/09 at 03:12 PM

those sample pictures are not made using sticky sheet

adithorp - 12/5/09 at 03:30 PM

There might be some on my car that fools most people who see it. It's foil backed though so no way you'd get it around complex curves. The pattern is embosed into the foil and the vinyl laid onto that; Thats what makes it convincing.


Slater - 12/5/09 at 03:33 PM

My local signwriting place did my yellow stripe in vinyl, he made a good job of the compound curves on the nose cone. It's not perfect but it can be done with carefull application of heat.

aerosam - 12/5/09 at 06:50 PM

"Great for moddin' your car"
