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OT Help with McAfee
philhoward - 19/10/11 at 07:11 AM

I have just had a new website launched and some of my customers, who are using McAfee, are experiencing error messages. As I do no have McAfee I am unable to see what they are.

Would someone who runs McAfee be kind enough to put a trial order through my website and then send me screen shots of the McAfee error messages.

Seals + Direct

Please use User ID SD12056
password testmcafee

For credit card details at the checkout page just put zeros in.

If you could then email me the error messages to Phil Howard

Many thanks in advance for your help.


McLannahan - 19/10/11 at 09:47 AM

No issues following it through with Sophos!

On a side note - Can you get hold of most automotive seals? I'm looking for one for my MK2 Golf!?

McCrapee own SiteAdvisor finds no issue with your site either... Is it the payment side or the shop/checkout?

[Edited on 19/10/11 by McLannahan]

philhoward - 19/10/11 at 10:04 AM

The problem is on the payment side, even though McAfee site advisor says that there are no problems. It just throws up a warning. Unfortunately I have not seen the warning as I do not have McAfee. I am hoping that someone will send through some screen shots.

With regard to your Golf seals, which ones are you after?


Scott W - 19/10/11 at 10:56 AM

I've just tried this for you on a machine running the Enterprise version of McAfee and the very latest definition files. Everything worked fine for me and there were no warnings whatsoever.

[Edited on 19/10/11 by Scott W]

McLannahan - 19/10/11 at 11:56 AM

Phil - It's the exterior sunroof seal. I think it's quite a standard profile and should be quite cheap?

From EBay...

philhoward - 19/10/11 at 12:22 PM

Have a look at ETS2481 at Here

For a sunroof the seal it should really have a flock covering on the bulb, and these are only available from the manufacturers
