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It's a blowout - my spine that is.
sgraber - 11/5/08 at 04:10 PM

So for the past 3 weeks I was wondering why I couldn't get out of bed... Now I know.

After a 70 minute MRI session late last week I just received word from the specialist. I have a massive herniation in my lower back. L4. Massive was his word not mine and I will likely require surgery. I will know more next week.

I just hate news like that. It's so hard to build a car from bed.

Spyderman - 11/5/08 at 04:58 PM

That is bad news Steve!

Get well soon!

omega 24 v6 - 11/5/08 at 06:21 PM

I've got a pronlem with L5 and have already had a cordal epidural (didn't work) and tommorrow I'm getting a nerve root injection. I hope to feck it works cause it's peed me of for a couple of years now, It manifests itself in leg pain/pins and needles/cramps and hinders my walking of distances etc.
I hope it all goes well for you mate although surgery sounds like a lot of time laid up recuperating

sgraber - 11/5/08 at 06:56 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
I've got a pronlem with L5 and have already had a cordal epidural (didn't work) and tommorrow I'm getting a nerve root injection. I hope to feck it works cause it's peed me of for a couple of years now, It manifests itself in leg pain/pins and needles/cramps and hinders my walking of distances etc.
I hope it all goes well for you mate although surgery sounds like a lot of time laid up recuperating

Sounds like you know exactly what the deal is. I do feel sorry for you too and I have the same thing for years and years but about a month ago I lifted and engine block floor to table (wasn't that stupid? yes) and been in bed pretty much ever since it seems.

The problem for us Computery geek types (that's me btw) is we spend too much time sitting, then the core strength just goes away and yet we still try to do all the things we did when we were young. The body just won't handle what the brain wants it to do.

Mr Whippy - 12/5/08 at 07:53 AM

heard of this guy?

sgraber - 12/5/08 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
heard of this guy?

That really does give one hope. Especially since I am nowhere near being that spinally injured. What an amazing story. I have just a couple of blown discs vs what he went through. Personally I just need to figure out how to do any exercise without re-injuring myself. Because I have tried to do exercise, but every time I do even the slightest bit I end up back in bed!