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Where are you at with your project :Poll.
stevegough - 30/10/11 at 05:57 AM

Following the mileage poll - I thought it might be also interesting to do this?

steve m - 30/10/11 at 06:15 AM

12 years on the road, but never finished

sorens2 - 30/10/11 at 07:22 AM

Bought mine new in 2009.
Still drives like nothing I have ever tried.
Drove an Ariel 300 yesterday. The orange one.
Still likes mine better.

Soren S2

tomgregory2000 - 30/10/11 at 07:37 AM

i voted other as i have my defender project now

big_wasa - 30/10/11 at 07:42 AM

Completed - ready for IVA, But I dont want to spend that sort of cash for iva !

ashg - 30/10/11 at 08:05 AM

which project? i have at least one of them registered on the road.

HowardB - 30/10/11 at 08:23 AM

voted - Other as I am busy fixing up the one I crashed!,.... Nice winter project,...

jollygreengiant - 30/10/11 at 09:25 AM

Already built one, but voted thinking about building as that is where I am with the prospective second. Just got to kinda, sortof, talk the wife round to it being a good idea as the front garden is going to be the ONLY place I have that will be big enough for me to build it and gather enough of the right info is going to be interesting. As well as some solutions to construction and build.

MakeEverything - 30/10/11 at 10:03 AM

Bought mine as a non runner and got it on the road. Drove it for a couple of months and took it off the road for the lst 18 months to replace the engine.

Almost complete now, just the alternator to replacde and its ready for MOT. Might even drive it without the alternator so that i can get to the next SG7 meet.

ChrisLeary - 30/10/11 at 10:13 AM

I bought mine fully built from Scotland a couple of months ago, I drove it down to Oxford and started stripping pretty much straight away. It needed lots of work and its now just a chassis on stands and hundreds of parts all over the garage! Hopefully it'll be back on the road next year, but we'll see what happens!

ATB, Chris

coozer - 30/10/11 at 11:57 AM

One on the road for 3 years now but never finished... 3rd build at the design fabrication stage. 4th build at the back of my mind....

lotusmadandy - 30/10/11 at 12:14 PM

Mine has been on the road for four years now.
It will never be finished though,as i type this
it is in the garage in 200 bits


rusty nuts - 30/10/11 at 03:19 PM

Built mine a few years afo, rebuilt it 2 years ago but have voted other due to rebuilding my GTM coupe starting very shortly having now got some barn space sorted

richard - 30/10/11 at 05:22 PM

my own's been on the road 3 1/2 years and in the process of helping some oneelse adapt / rebuild a LOCUST at present.

Ninehigh - 30/10/11 at 07:48 PM

The garage is cleared