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Elf and Safety
liam.mccaffrey - 8/3/09 at 04:14 PM

Anyone else think this spinning lathe is a bit lethal??


I am in awe at the skill and workmanship but there is no way I would go anywhere near that thing.

daviep - 8/3/09 at 04:33 PM

That is incredibly impressive

David Jenkins - 8/3/09 at 04:35 PM

That man's a craftsman - and didn't that lathe grunt when he put the pressure on.

It's something I'd love to try, but I don't have the courage...

zilspeed - 8/3/09 at 04:38 PM

I'm very very jealous.

What does strike me though is how matter of fact the bloke is about it all.

I think that's always the case with a job where someone really knows the job inside out.
I know through a friend a couple of welders who are the same.
To me, getting the metal to stick together is alchemy of the highest order. To these blokes, leaving a job that would make me gasp is just matter of fact.

How it should be for any decent tradesman really.

[Edited on 8/3/09 by zilspeed]

clairetoo - 8/3/09 at 04:39 PM

A proper craftsman at work - you dont see much of that these days

liam.mccaffrey - 8/3/09 at 04:39 PM

I haven't got the nuts for that, but yes very jealous

scottc - 8/3/09 at 04:40 PM

scary. I wonder how many times a day he stops the piece with his hand.

clairetoo - 8/3/09 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I haven't got the nuts for that, but yes very jealous

You dont need nuts - just skill and experience

handyandy - 8/3/09 at 04:41 PM

that looks very scary, he,s very skilled but his hands are so close to that spinnining disc, one slip & ????? ,

Simon - 8/3/09 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I haven't got the nuts for that, but yes very jealous

You dont need nuts - just skill and experience



907 - 8/3/09 at 05:33 PM

He's rubbish.

They are miles too big for can ends.

Paul G

Image deleted by owner

MakeEverything - 8/3/09 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I haven't got the nuts for that, but yes very jealous

You dont need nuts - just skill and experience

As well as poo for brains and a Director of the company that has no regard for Health and Safety Legislation!

Clever though, but i dont think i would put my company details at the front of the video! The guys obviously has a talent, skill or whatever you want to call it, but with no PPE whatsoever, let alone guards, is asking for trouble!

Then again..... In Europe, hed probably get away with it!

Steve Hignett - 8/3/09 at 05:43 PM

That's probably not the first time he's done that... Just IMO, but I might not be wrong...

scottc - 8/3/09 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
That's probably not the first time he's done that... Just IMO, but I might not be wrong...

I bet it's just beginners luck

daviep - 8/3/09 at 06:56 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
As well as poo for brains and a Director of the company that has no regard for Health and Safety Legislation!

Clever though, but i dont think i would put my company details at the front of the video! The guys obviously has a talent, skill or whatever you want to call it, but with no PPE whatsoever, let alone guards, is asking for trouble!

Then again..... In Europe, hed probably get away with it!

Get a life.

I work in one of the most HSE conscious idustries in the world and still people loose fingers, arms and get killed quite regularly. Why?

Because they are stupid and do stupid things. No amount of legislation will ever stop someone with no common sense doing stupid things.

The blame / HSE culture that Britain and America have developed is one of the main reasons we can no longer compete in the world economy. If you are a lazy b@%^&rd and don't want to do a job the words "I don't think it's safe" will never be challenged instead we'll waste time and money to re-engineer so the job can be done "safely", and usually by someone else.

Rant over

That guy is ace, as someone else commented watching a craftsman at work really is priviledge.


[Edited on 8/3/09 by daviep]

maskedavenger - 8/3/09 at 07:07 PM

^^^^^ perfectly worded

yellow melos - 8/3/09 at 07:11 PM

U used to run lathe's machining plastic, if you do the same job over and over again you do somtimes forget a bit of helth an safety whilst on a repetative job.

i used to slow the chuck down with my hand ( on slow spinning jobs and the lathe never had a brake ) caught my thumb on the jows once.... put a large split in my thumb... never made that mistake again... !!!!

but it's a very common practice, espcially where there are older machine's without the guards and safety switches.

yellow melos - 8/3/09 at 07:11 PM

U used to run lathe's machining plastic, if you do the same job over and over again you do somtimes forget a bit of helth an safety whilst on a repetative job.

i used to slow the chuck down with my hand ( on slow spinning jobs and the lathe never had a brake ) caught my thumb on the jows once.... put a large split in my thumb... never made that mistake again... !!!!

but it's a very common practice, espcially where there are older machine's without the guards and safety switches.

carpmart - 8/3/09 at 07:24 PM

Very impressive!

JoelP - 8/3/09 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by daviep
Originally posted by MakeEverything
As well as poo for brains and a Director of the company that has no regard for Health and Safety Legislation!

Clever though, but i dont think i would put my company details at the front of the video! The guys obviously has a talent, skill or whatever you want to call it, but with no PPE whatsoever, let alone guards, is asking for trouble!

Then again..... In Europe, hed probably get away with it!

Get a life.

I work in one of the most HSE conscious idustries in the world and still people loose fingers, arms and get killed quite regularly. Why?

Because they are stupid and do stupid things. No amount of legislation will ever stop someone with no common sense doing stupid things.

The blame / HSE culture that Britain and America have developed is one of the main reasons we can no longer compete in the world economy. If you are a lazy b@%^&rd and don't want to do a job the words "I don't think it's safe" will never be challenged instead we'll waste time and money to re-engineer so the job can be done "safely", and usually by someone else.

Rant over

That guy is ace, as someone else commented watching a craftsman at work really is priviledge.


[Edited on 8/3/09 by daviep]

Complete nonsense davie if you dont mind me saying, and a bit of a rant in a teacup. H&S safety is usually totally within reason, its only the jobsworths who take it too far. You dont go to work to kill yourself, and blame is nothing to do with H&S.

Skilled craftsman or not (and i would point out that at his age i expect to be good at a few things), he's taking more risks with his fingers and eyes than i would.

daviep - 8/3/09 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
Complete nonsense davie if you dont mind me saying, and a bit of a rant in a teacup. H&S safety is usually totally within reason, its only the jobsworths who take it too far. You dont go to work to kill yourself, and blame is nothing to do with H&S.

Skilled craftsman or not (and i would point out that at his age i expect to be good at a few things), he's taking more risks with his fingers and eyes than i would.

You can't stand on a soap box and not expect to get heckled

I've worked in both extremes. I served my time as a farm mechanic where there were no rules and for the last 7 years as a mechanic in the oil industry. I've worked all round the world, including places such as Africa and Indonesia where some of the working practices are horrendous, but I've still got all my fingers and I've never been to hospital to have anything stitched up or taken out of my eyes.

The years that I spent working in Aberdeen and then offshore in the North Sea were my most un-happy because job satisfaction was zero. What would normally be a 2-3 day job, say changing an engine for instance, would turn in to 3 weeks because I wasn't allowed to sling things myself beacuse I hadn't done the correct course. Any task became an epic because you needed a team of scaffolders, a team of electricians, a team of slingers and getting them all together at the right time in the right order could take weeks.

I never said anybody goes to work to get killed, that is exactly my point. I look after myself and don't expect or need somebody else to do it for me.

You only need one jobsworth or one lazy git to slow the job down to a standstill, that is the point of the system, anybody has the power to stop a job if THEY think it is unsafe. But you need to be incredibly stupid to carry on after someone else has voiced a concern anything goes wrong your then on your own !!

David Jenkins - 9/3/09 at 12:38 PM

I don't care what people say about health and safety - that metal spinner is a craftsman, and it's awe-inspiring to watch him.

It's worth noting that the pieces of metal are VERY firmly clamped in the lathe - it wouldn't work otherwise.

As for putting his hands on the spinning workpiece - if you watch him, he's holding them on the flat are he's just shaped, not the raw edge. I also suspect that the skin on his hands is as tough as shoe leather...

What he's doing is very dangerous, but only if you aren't experienced...

flak monkey - 9/3/09 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I don't care what people say about health and safety - that metal spinner is a craftsman, and it's awe-inspiring to watch him.

It's worth noting that the pieces of metal are VERY firmly clamped in the lathe - it wouldn't work otherwise.

As for putting his hands on the spinning workpiece - if you watch him, he's holding them on the flat are he's just shaped, not the raw edge. I also suspect that the skin on his hands is as tough as shoe leather...

What he's doing is very dangerous, but only if you aren't experienced...

I couldnt agree more!