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If I get a ticket to TOPGEAR, should I....
nitram38 - 5/5/09 at 08:18 PM

take the MotaLeira?

I'm hoping that the shortlist ticket for the 17th June will materialise and that my car is roadlegal by the beginning of June.

What do you think?

Mark G - 5/5/09 at 08:19 PM

hell yea!

DarrenW - 5/5/09 at 08:20 PM

Yes definitely, and send them an email with pics before hand too. You need to get a mention.

cloudy - 5/5/09 at 08:20 PM

I'd donate it to someone else, like me - and i'll take R4

matt.c - 5/5/09 at 08:20 PM

They dont like kitcars, prob because most kitcars would whip the arses off most of there "supercars"

blakep82 - 5/5/09 at 08:22 PM

definitely take it!

btw, any videos of the, er, erm...?

cloudy - 5/5/09 at 08:22 PM

Martin and I don't have kit cars

mlees91 - 5/5/09 at 08:25 PM

or if u want u can give it to me before the silverston locost race and i will drive it down to the race then drive my race when i am down there then drive it back afterwards

nitram38 - 5/5/09 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by cloudy
Martin and I don't have kit cars

I've put my name down for the 17th June recording after recieving an email with a choice of dates (only allowed to pick 1). First come first serve but I won't find out until the week before.

COREdevelopments - 5/5/09 at 08:31 PM

yes do it, they may take the p!ss out of you but it will be worth it. take Cloudy along too!
Think they would tear you apart about the paint!!


[Edited on 5/5/09 by COREdevelopments]

[Edited on 5/5/09 by COREdevelopments]

nitram38 - 5/5/09 at 08:38 PM

They allow you up to 4 tickets but there must be a 50:50 split of males/females.
My son is going.
Unless any of you are getting a sex change before the 17th!

I still might not get a ticket yet!

COREdevelopments - 5/5/09 at 08:43 PM

ill go drag for that! il have to wax me legs though!

[Edited on 5/5/09 by COREdevelopments]

Steve Hignett - 5/5/09 at 09:09 PM

They say 50:50 on males to females, but don't enforce it.

When you get to the gate, just hand over your two tickets and say the girls will be about half an hour and then two more can go to someone else...

thunderace - 5/5/09 at 09:40 PM

dont send them an email they dont read them they just add you to there mailing list .
i sent them an email and never got a reply and it was about a new type of carb that gets you around a 50% fuel saving that someone i know have invented and no reply.

rf900rush - 5/5/09 at 09:41 PM

Hi Martin

Got the same decision but for July.
Must of been on the waiting list for 4 years now.


daniel mason - 5/5/09 at 10:21 PM

what sort of lap time do you think it would be capable of in the hands of the stig?

Macbeast - 5/5/09 at 10:22 PM

Take Claire and Fozzie

dhutch - 5/5/09 at 11:05 PM

Sounds like a thumbs up for going in the MotaLeira to me.
- And send them an email. Bollocks, you only live once.


Vindi_andy - 7/5/09 at 10:45 AM

Go in the motoleira and see if you can blag you way onto the track

Youd probably beat most of the stuff on the board with 2 up and without the stig driving