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Islam4UK to March Through Wootton-Bassett
scootz - 2/1/10 at 11:43 AM

Carrying 'symbolic-coffins' to represent the Muslims 'murdered' by the British Army!

Crikey... seems like I'm posting more and more about religious issues than car one's these days! I'm probably coming across as some sort of bigot... absolutely not my intention, but I feel that modern society is deliberately pushing me down that alley!

I don't support our foreign policy, but I will always support our Armed Forces and mourn the loss of each and every one of them.

The very thought of an extremist march in that town makes me want to vomit! What a slap in the face to the fallen soldiers and their families!

No doubt we'll have those who celebrate the fact that our democratic society allows such activities... BULLSH*T!

I sincerely hope that the powers that be grow a set big enough to ban any such march and meet any participants in overwhelming numbers.

If not, then I see trouble ahead... and screwed back or otherwise, I will be getting involved!

Well and truly had enough!

clairetoo - 2/1/10 at 11:47 AM

I think the latest fuel price rise is an attempt to put a decent size molotov cocktail out of reach of the common man (and woman)

mookaloid - 2/1/10 at 12:50 PM

surely by doing this they are showing that our enemies are not only in Afghanistan but they are here too - is this what they want? at least we will then know who they are if we didn't already.

Everyone who attends such a march should be escorted straight to the airfield and shipped straight to Afghanistan where they can fight alongside their comrades if that's where their loyalties lie.

I just can't understand why these people want to live here. if they don't like us or the country they should leave. if they do like it here then they should support us.

I could go on but I won't as it just makes me angry...

MikeR - 2/1/10 at 12:50 PM

I struggle with this one - i believe we should have freedom of speech. I also believe that anyone doing that march is inciting a riot and not supporting our country.

Whilst I may or may not agree with our troops being in a foreign country, I support our citizens fighting in our name.

I hope everyone in that town comes out and forms a barrier across the streets. Stands proud. Sings nationalistic songs and refuses to be incited into causing any trouble. Peaceful protest in the face of provocation would make me very proud. Old men with war medals and young lads stood arm in arm against this provocation.

Its just a shame that nationalistic idiots hell bent on proving a point or having a fight will also turn up and cause problems

G/F suggestion is probably better. The whole town closes down, no one turns out. Let them have their march with no one witnessing it. No media, no nothing. Makes their stance pointless & everyone else 'wins'.

GMPMotorsport - 2/1/10 at 01:01 PM

Let them march through the town straight on to a plane and send them off with a loud cheer!

splitrivet - 2/1/10 at 01:01 PM

I simply dont believe it.

scootz - 2/1/10 at 01:01 PM

I had considered that option too Mike, but how do you stop the media being there... impossible I would think!

So if they do let them march in the town with no-one there, then footage of a (now) symbolic British town will be shown around the globe having (apparently) been taken over by extremists.

The Government-led media in many Islamic countries will then twist the coverage to suggest a 'victory' for Islam and state that the UK is an apathetic country.

Very dangerous!

I prefer your first suggestion... a human barrier around the town keeping them out! Every man and woman showing restraint. Hopefully they would just turn and go if faced with a such a peaceful anti-demonstration.

Jumpy Guy - 2/1/10 at 01:03 PM

hmmm. Im not sure what the problem here is.

We live in a democracy.

People can therefore pretty much say what they like.

If you dont agree, then tell them so. The residents can turn up and have a counter demo.

edit: Just spent five minutes looking at this story. The 'normal' muslim groups look like they will have a march too, to highlight the opinion of british muslims.
Surely the best way to deal with this?

Nothing will highlight any extreme muslim thoughts more quickly, than other muslims.

[Edited on 2/1/10 by Jumpy Guy]

UncleFista - 2/1/10 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
G/F suggestion is probably better. The whole town closes down, no one turns out. Let them have their march with no one witnessing it. No media, no nothing. Makes their stance pointless & everyone else 'wins'.

Now that would say it all about the popularity of the marchers and look great for the media/cameras, if everyone closed their curtains, locked their doors and the town was like a ghost town...

Failing that, how about a whipround for old shoes for the residents to use as ammo

philw - 2/1/10 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by scootz

the UK is an apathetic country.

Nearly right mate,

should read, pathetic country

[Edited on [1262437548R0=013131p: by philw]

MikeR - 2/1/10 at 01:05 PM

Actually we don't live in a free country - they are arguably having a demonstration that will incite racial violence, this is (i believe / think) illegal, although for some reason appears to be permitted.

omega 24 v6 - 2/1/10 at 01:07 PM

Seems to me to be an EXTREMELY provocativce manouvre and as usuall we will just be expected to suck it up. If you are under the illusion that this is a free country then think again. If the BNP ( not a supporter BTW ) decided to have a march on the same day in the opposite direction using the same route would it be allowed ????
I think not.
As Scootz says the common man who has turned his back or been indifferrent for so long is now coming to realise that he will at some point need to make his feelings known in one way or another. I support our guys and girls out there but not the battle itself.
Bring them home
Let them patrol our streets
Let those that want to protest oabout this country be detained and sent back to their own
If not we are gonna get screwed at some point and then there will be riots/civil war. You can only push so far.

The people of wooton Basset have been nothing other than Patriotic to this country/our service people and they should NOT have to put up with this arrogance and insensitive bullshit

scootz - 2/1/10 at 01:08 PM

From the BBC...

Islam4UK is said to call itself a platform for the extremist movement al-Muhajiroun.

On its website the group said it was "totally unacceptable" to honour servicemen who had contributed "directly or indirectly" to the deaths of "well over 100,000 Muslims in Afghanistan in the last 8 years".

"We at Islam4UK find this totally unacceptable and as a result have decided to launch the 'Wootton Bassett March' to highlight the real casualties of this brutal Crusade," the website states.

ashg - 2/1/10 at 01:09 PM

put snipers on every high point and fill the empty coffins.

Benzine - 2/1/10 at 01:11 PM

This march is a stupid idea.

Us being in Iraq/Afghanistan is a really stupid idea.

Jumpy Guy - 2/1/10 at 01:16 PM

Anyone here actually IN the armed forces?

What do you think of the march?

Be interested in the opinions of 'our brave boys', as well as us armchair warriors.

[Edited on 2/1/10 by Jumpy Guy]

CRAIGR - 2/1/10 at 01:17 PM

The Islam4uk site also states the following in another article.

"Indeed, the solution for mankind's problems is Islam, and true justice will only prevail once sovereignty is returned to Almighty God alone and the authority is in the hands of the Muslims."

With our current immigration strategy they won't have too long to wait.

[Edited on 2/1/10 by CRAIGR]

jase380 - 2/1/10 at 01:20 PM

for my money all the members of islam4UK want to 4UK off back to which ever toilet of a country they come from.....

Jumpy Guy - 2/1/10 at 01:22 PM

Sounds like worries about nothing. This mob organised the Luton marches, and estimated 10,000 would turn up.

The police reckon less than 50 actually appeared.

scootz - 2/1/10 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Jumpy Guy
Sounds like worries about nothing. This mob organised the Luton marches, and estimated 10,000 would turn up.

The police reckon less than 50 actually appeared.

Did I mention apathy...

Jumpy Guy - 2/1/10 at 01:29 PM

Surely its a good thing that there are very few fundamentalists?

Id argue that they cant be apathetic and fundamentalist at the same time............

martyn_16v - 2/1/10 at 01:31 PM

They can talk it up all they like., it'll never happen. The police won't permit it as the chances of it not turning into a riot are slim to none.

scootz - 2/1/10 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Jumpy Guy
Surely its a good thing that there are very few fundamentalists?

Id argue that they cant be apathetic and fundamentalist at the same time............

You know what I meant!

gazza285 - 2/1/10 at 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
This march is a stupid idea.

Us being in Iraq/Afghanistan is a really stupid idea.


splitrivet - 2/1/10 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
This march is a stupid idea.

Us being in Iraq/Afghanistan is a really stupid idea.

I agree Iraq was stupid Afgahistan is a different matter, the Taliban are mainly not Afgans but loony Saudi's, Pakinstani's, Chechens and the dregs of other Muslim states all wishing to force thier view on the Afgan people which they did in the past with horrific consequences, dont forget this is where all the terrorism began back when they had control of the country.
They deserve no mercy and shouldnt get any.
The saddest thing is they were initially armed and supported by th CIA.
To not be there would be apathy, remember Mr Hitler how many lives would have been saved if governments back then werent so apathetic.

[Edited on 2/1/10 by splitrivet]

phelpsa - 2/1/10 at 03:58 PM

From the wiltshire police:


Wiltshire Police are aware of the media reports concerning a proposed march through Wootton Bassett organised by a group called Islam 4uk and the significant community concern which has ensued.

There is clear legislation, contained in the 1986 Public Order Act, which dictates the process to be undertaken by the organiser before any such march can lawfully take place.

The Public Order Act states that the organiser must inform the police of the date, time and route of the proposed procession, together with the name and address of the organiser.

If the march or procession is believed to be likely to result in serious disorder, disruption or damage, then the police can impose conditions upon the organiser.

In exceptional circumstances, the police may apply to the Local Authority for an order prohibiting such a march.

In these particular circumstances, Wiltshire Police will be liaising closely with the local community and our partner agencies. Furthermore, contact will be sought with the organisers at the earliest opportunity in order to determine the facts of the proposed march. To date there has been no contact from Islam4uk or any other group wishing to arrange such a march in Wootton Bassett.

Whilst Wiltshire Police respect the right of the public to partake in peaceful protests, public safety is of paramount importance and compliance with the law essential.

That sounds to me like it's unlikely to happen....

omega 24 v6 - 2/1/10 at 04:09 PM


That sounds to me like it's unlikely to happen....

That sounds to me that they are not likely to tell the authorities anyway. So a scuffle or 2 ensuses and all of a sudden it's an insult to islam and another opertunity for the fanatics to go haywire.

You see when 9/11 , lockerbie , london bombings occured it was an act of terrorism
the papers and the press love it. re write it as an attack against christians/mormons/anglicans etc etc and it becomes a racial insult.

The fact is that there a fanatics using this crap as a way of driving people against each other in this country. A country they stay in, a country that is way way better than the coubtry they or their parents came from, a country that hands out cash and health and democracy.
But they don't want that So WHy OH Why OH Why don't they (the fanatics) Just F**K OFF and stay with the fanatics/ countries they are supporting.


No Balls any of them. Faceless protestors intimidating the people who care in Wooton Basset/ or anywhere else in the UK.

Still I'm sure there will be a multitude of do gooders willing to back/support them/their right to march.
This country (a democracy) I really do not think so anymore.

scootz - 2/1/10 at 04:39 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Still I'm sure there will be a multitude of do gooders willing to back/support them/their right to march.

If it does go ahead, then I will be making the 800-mile round trip to Wootton-Bassett to take a stand. I've literally had enough and will do all that I can to help prevent this obscenity from taking place. This is the first time in my life that I've ever felt this strongly about such an issue, and gauging the faces of those who I've spoken to about it today, then I'm certainly not alone!

andkilde - 2/1/10 at 04:45 PM

Since I haven't said anything outrageous on here in a couple of years...

I say ban all religions -- the adherents are always bickering about whose 'god' is the correct one. They start ALL the wars and cause endless mayhem in the name of righteousness.

Keep Church Of England though, they don't really talk about god much, and we need someplace to get married and eat tea and cakes...

Jon Ison - 2/1/10 at 04:54 PM

Little bit of me background.

Spent years traveling all over the world mostly work related, always acted on the principle,

When in Rome, and respected fully whatever local traditions where, Ramadan for instance, a few above suggest Britain is not a free country anymore, well I suggest you nip over to Iran for example and try a like for like demonstration/march touting western values ? You wont be coming home.

Its simple, its not racist just plain simple, if you don't like it here bugger off home.

prawnabie - 2/1/10 at 05:10 PM


If it does go ahead, then I will be making the 800-mile round trip to Wootton-Bassett to take a stand.

Pick me up on the way scootz!!

scootz - 2/1/10 at 05:15 PM

I'll hire a bus!

Benzine - 2/1/10 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by splitrivet
I agree Iraq was stupid Afgahistan is a different matter, the Taliban are mainly not Afgans but loony Saudi's, Pakinstani's, Chechens and the dregs of other Muslim states all wishing to force thier view on the Afgan people which they did in the past with horrific consequences, dont forget this is where all the terrorism began back when they had control of the country.

Sounds like a ruthless and oppressive bunch controlling an innocent population. So we're off to save the Palestinians too? If we went round the world trying to do away with nasty people/governments/groups we'd run out of time and money. By being in Afghanistan more terrorists are being created. You will never get to a point where you go "that's it! got 'em all!"

clairetoo - 2/1/10 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by scootz
I'll hire a bus!

This video shows what happens to those who dare to organize peacefull protest in this country............they wouldnt dare to treat these extremist muslem scum the same way .

miikae - 2/1/10 at 05:21 PM

I totally agree with Jon Ison, as i spent 2 yrs working in Libya for there Navy & on there LAF bases, you certainly learn to toe the line as a wrong word spoken or hand gesters at the wrong car can end you up being visited by the secret police and marched off to the pokie and left in solitary for a day with only a light bulb for company, watch taken so no idea of the time.
I know as this happened to a work friend of mine as he was cut up by the wrong car and shouted and balled at them.
He soon learnt his lesson from there on.


owelly - 2/1/10 at 05:27 PM

I say let Islam4UK march through Wootton-Bassett. And I also say to the good folks of Wootton-Bassett, come out into the streets and slow clap them. Show these people that you can see what they are doing, you understand why they are doing it, but you don't agree.
What can they do then? They can't accuse anyone of 'a win'. In fact, the locals are supporting the demonstrators by demonstrating themselves!!
IMHO, we can't condemn the beliefs of any religious group. Some crazy folks seem to think some virgin woman gave birth to some kid who grew-up to die and was then re-born. How mad is that??
As you may have guessed, I can't believe in any sort of religion. It makes no logical sense so I don't believe it.

I'll also add that I totally support our guys and girls in the armed forces, wherever they happen to be even if I think the millions the government are spending, of our money, could be better spent barracading our shores!

[Edited on 2/1/10 by owelly]

x_flow57 - 2/1/10 at 07:07 PM

We really need to start sticking up for our country.

Anybody organising any buses from East Anglia.

I received this e-mail the other day, I thought it highly ammusing, but I'm beginning to think it actually makes sence.

Brown wants us to cut the amount of petrol we use.....

The best way to stop using so much petrol is to deport 3
million illegal immigrants!

That would be 3 million less people using our petrol. The
price of petrol would come down.....

Bring our troops home from Afghanistan to guard the Channel....

When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the Channel,
hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Afghanistan ....

Tell him if he wants to come to Britain then he
must serve a tour in the military....

Give him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on

After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since
he defended this country.....

He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal
resident.... .

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and
provide a solution for the troops in Afghanistan and the aliens trying to make
a better life for themselves.. ....

If they refuse to serve, ship them to Afghanistan anyway,
without the canteen, rifle or ammo.....

Problem solved....

If you think this is a good solution to both the problems, forward it to your
friends. ..........


Ninehigh - 2/1/10 at 09:08 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Actually we don't live in a free country - they are arguably having a demonstration that will incite racial violence, this is (i believe / think) illegal, although for some reason appears to be permitted.

It's permitted because it's against white people. In this country you can be as racist and sexist as you want, as long as it's toward with people and men.

I believe in freedom of speech but some people think because of that there's no consequences. If a bunch of german people started protesting about the British army murdering their people in 1940 they'd have been mobbed.

dlatch - 2/1/10 at 10:11 PM

stuff like this really makes me mad

general cencus this year lets see how many are really here was around 3% 10 years ago i bet its more like 12% now and will double to over 24% in another 10 years as they out breed everyother religion on the planet

if the march does go ahead i will also be willing to attend to demonstrate against their march. slow hand clap idea sounds good too

morcus - 3/1/10 at 07:42 AM

When I read the header I though this would be a joke, surely it can't be legal to parade with empty coffins on the route service men are brought back on?

Wouldn't it be great if half the country turned up to show them just what the majority of us really think.

I don't think Britian is apathetic, I think the majority of people feel they can't express themselves politically for fear of being branded a bigot or a racist or any number of other things because as has been said, you can be as offensive as you like to White people, Christians or men but say the slightest thing about anyone else and everything is against you.

On a side note, and at the risk of taking some flak, Isreal is a completely different kettle of fish to Afganistan, Partly because they're bezzies with America but mostly because of how they came to be.

[Edited on 3/1/10 by morcus]

Jumpy Guy - 3/1/10 at 11:35 AM

Wait a minute. Lots of talk here about how bad muslims are.

This march is not organised by normal muslims, its a minoroty of lunatics.

who dont actually repesenet the majority of law abiding muslims in this country.

Just like when the BNP march, I dont say - 'Ban all Christians'
And neither do the majority of muslims

omega 24 v6 - 3/1/10 at 12:00 PM


Wait a minute. Lots of talk here about how bad muslims are. This march is not organised by normal muslims, its a minoroty of lunatics. who dont actually repesenet the majority of law abiding muslims in this country. Just like when the BNP march, I dont say - 'Ban all Christians' And neither do the majority of muslims

I hope that you realize most decent people would realize that was the case. It's the lunatic franternity that we all ( every decent person regardless of race or religion )want out of this country.
The sad fact is that many young people usually jump on the band wagon of marches like this even if they don't have extreme or strong views on what the march is about. You will also get the trouble makers who are there regardless to just make sure things do kick off.

Benzine - 3/1/10 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by morcus
On a side note, and at the risk of taking some flak, Isreal is a completely different kettle of fish to Afganistan, Partly because they're bezzies with America but mostly because of how they came to be.

...because Britain messed everything up over there... much like in Afghanistan

RK - 3/1/10 at 11:31 PM

I know we in Canada have the odd Tamil/Palistinian/oppressed-population, you-name-it protesting here once in a while, but it seems you have allowed these extremists to spout off for a long time, and have never done anything about it. I'm sure you have laws about promoting hatred, and I don't see why they're not enforced.

I also don't see how marching through Northern Ireland in a funny hat is any different, in that it offended large numbers of taxpayers, and people addressed that (eventually). Of course, the only reason that was resolved (if it is) is that the US realised terrorists are not always muslim and stopped sending so much money.

scootz - 4/1/10 at 01:15 PM

Seems like the PM maybe does have a pair... LINKY

scootz - 4/1/10 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Jumpy Guy
Wait a minute. Lots of talk here about how bad muslims are.

Utter nonsense! Who has said that on this thread?

Plenty of opinions on religious EXTREMISTS, but no-one has insinuated that Muslims are bad per se.

It's exactly this kind of unsubstantiated accusatory statement in favour of a fashionable minority that gets folks backs up!

Jumpy Guy - 4/1/10 at 02:03 PM


Im not interested in some kind of bun fight.

In previous posts someone quoted % figures of Muslims in the UK. And then said 'they will outbreed every other religion'.

I think its fairly clear that is a view on muslims, not muslim extremists.

And no, I dont think that its very clear that to some posters this isnt a thread about Islam in general.

To finish, I'll happily apologise if i've taken anyone out of context, but Ive received u2u and emails from Locostbuilders thanking me for previous posts.

[Edited on 4/1/10 by Jumpy Guy]

scootz - 4/1/10 at 04:49 PM

One member in 5 Pages of posts has made a remark about population growth in relation to one religious group... that hardly makes it 'lots of talk'!

Also, his post doesn't say that this religious group are 'bad'.

PS - Not sure what you mean about a 'bun-fight'... it's a forum for discussing things (what we're doing). It's natural that some of us will have differing views!

angliamotorsport - 4/1/10 at 05:16 PM

islam4uk, if they were on fire I would not p... on them to put them out. If they don't like this country or it's policies, they should sod off.
I'm sorry but this country has bocome a soft touch for "people" like them.

miikae - 4/1/10 at 05:40 PM

The Home Secretary has just announced that if the Wootton Bassett Authorities ask him he will gladly place a ban on the march.


scootz - 4/1/10 at 08:38 PM

Great news... now lets hope that the Wiltshire Police and the local council have the kahuna's to make the necessary objection (by no means a given as both the police service and local councils are paralyzed with political correctness gone mad!).

flak monkey - 4/1/10 at 09:17 PM

Originally posted by miikae
The Home Secretary has just announced that if the Wootton Bassett Authorities ask him he will gladly place a ban on the march.


Thats the best thing I have heard about this so far.

Sadly there has to be a limit for free speech. Given the fact that the preacher bloke is banned from the country I think that this is one of the cases where you have to draw the line.

There probably wouldnt be so much protest if the march were held in london or somewhere else.

omega 24 v6 - 4/1/10 at 09:27 PM


Given the fact that the preacher bloke is banned from the country

Is he really???? then why the feck is he still here.
Boils my wee stuff like that. Laws NEED to be enforced.

flak monkey - 4/1/10 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6

Given the fact that the preacher bloke is banned from the country

Is he really???? then why the feck is he still here.
Boils my wee stuff like that. Laws NEED to be enforced.

Oh, I thought he had been deported? Isn't the group just a load of his followers?

I admit I hadnt looked into it, but I thought he had been sent away due to his incitment of racial hatred.

flak monkey - 4/1/10 at 09:35 PM

Found it - from the telegraph:

Among its founders are the militant preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed – who is living in exile in Lebanon – and former solicitor Anjem Choudary, who both played a part in Al Muhajiroun.

And this, from wikipedia:

Al-Muhajiroun is an extremist[1] Islamist organisation whose two offshoots, The Saviour Sect and Al-Ghurabaa are banned under the British Terrorism Act 2006 [3], for the 'glorification' of terrorism. It operated in the United Kingdom from 14 January 1986 until the British Government announced an intended ban in August 2005.[2]

Omar Bakri Muhammad and Anjem Choudary are known to have led Al-Muhajiroun.[3] The group became notorious for its conference "The Magnificent 19", praising the September 11, 2001 attacks. The former Home Secretary Charles Clarke banned Bakri from the United Kingdom on 12 August 2005 because it was alleged that his presence was "not conducive to the public good."[4][5] In June 2009 following more than a five year hiatus the organisation re-launched itself.[6]

So maybe I am not going as mad as I thought!

[Edited on 4/1/10 by flak monkey]

omega 24 v6 - 4/1/10 at 10:38 PM

LOL I took your post as gospel (no matter which religion mind).
So he's not here but his supporters are.
Arrest the lot and send them to him then

02GF74 - 5/1/10 at 11:20 AM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
LOL I took your post as gospel (no matter which religion mind).
So he's not here but his supporters are.
Arrest the lot and send them to him then

IMO that is why the march should go ahead so the police can get some faces and names and details of the supporters.

morcus - 5/1/10 at 12:14 PM

That wouldn't help, whenever there is a terrorist attack of an magnituded, they always seem to say afterwards that the people were know to be possible terrorists and that the were on watchlists.

Ninehigh - 9/1/10 at 08:07 PM

I wonder if we sent a load of homeless people over there (wherever 'there' is exactly) and got them to blow themselves up, calling it a protest against their acts over here, how well that would go down in a "how do you like it" kind of way.

I've never heard from anyone who wants this war, now where's our Obama?

karlak - 12/1/10 at 09:16 AM

Lets hope it gets pushed through - no doubt they will complain it is against their "human" rights

Jumpy Guy - 12/1/10 at 11:08 AM

Im of mixed feelings about this- I'm never happy that any polital group is banned. It can make heroes of the group to the youth and dissafected.

On a related note, surely someone should be highlighting the huge civilian losses in Afghanistan?

This march is banned, perhaps rightly so, but surely someone should be asking questions of all of the military strategists?

Confused but excited. - 12/1/10 at 05:44 PM

The reason we have troops over there in the first place, is civilain losses over here!
It's not us that are leaving bombs in shopping areas full of women and kids.

morcus - 13/1/10 at 02:49 AM

To be honest, I was amazed to see our government do this, I didn't think they had the balls.

There is always the danger that this will make them heroes of sorts but unfortunatly the only thing that wouldn't have would be if they'd chickened out themselves.

Jumpy Guy - 13/1/10 at 08:39 AM

I agree that we need to be over there. Im a strong defender of that.

I'm just not convinced that our strategy is the best to protect the Afghan people- far too many civilians are being killed.

We might not be leaving bombs in shopping centres, we're doing arguably worse- bombing the shopping centre from 10,000 feet.

woodster - 13/1/10 at 10:16 AM

i think its important to remember that the vast majority of muslims will be just as outraged as we are about these extremist groups

morcus - 13/1/10 at 05:29 PM

To be honest, I don't understand how you can justify yourself as a political group in a democracy if you don't hold seats in councils and assemblies, or at least try to.