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ipod sync help
AndyW - 21/5/10 at 05:27 PM

Can anyone help, I have a ipod 4gb old and probably very out of date compared to the new ones but I have just sync'd it and most of the memory is taken up by the album art work. Question is how do I sync just the music and not the album covers as its only put about half the music on it that I want.

As I have garage time coming up would be nice to have a new mix to listen to!!

Thanks in advance...


thegodplato - 21/5/10 at 06:06 PM

crikey, how big are the JPEGs for the artwork????

Andi - 21/5/10 at 06:43 PM

Isnt there the option to manually transfer?

AndyW - 21/5/10 at 06:53 PM

manual transfer?? where???

Flamez - 21/5/10 at 07:35 PM

itunes control box you can transfer what and when....

Madinventions - 22/5/10 at 12:29 AM

Just bin iTunes and it's control-freak styling and dark-overlord tendencies, and download 'Copytrans'.
