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can you messure your car?
adam1985 - 6/6/10 at 10:21 PM

hi all i want to build a shed to finish the locost in but i need to know the rough size of a locost so i can plan it.
So will anyone meassure there car Please or does anyone know
thanks adam
ps mines in storage so cant get to it

[Edited on 6/6/10 by adam1985]

myeates - 6/6/10 at 10:37 PM

away from mine at the moment but seem to remember when i did it ages ago mine was 3.6 meters long with spare wheel and 1.6 ish wide i think, these numbers ring a bell hope that helps can measure in the week and let you know unless someone gets back to you before.


adam1985 - 6/6/10 at 10:47 PM

Cheers for that it's longer than I remember then

mangogrooveworkshop - 7/6/10 at 08:02 AM

As a space saver make build wheels out of plywood saves loads of space

speedyxjs - 7/6/10 at 08:18 AM

Mine is 4.1 long and 1.7 wide.

adam1985 - 7/6/10 at 11:38 AM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
As a space saver make build wheels out of plywood saves loads of space

that's a good idea cheers