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Smart phone recommendations?
Jasper - 31/8/10 at 10:23 AM

I need to get a smartphone or at least touch screen phone for my Dad. Must be relatively cheap, happy to have an 18 month contract, and easy to use and set up.

I was thinking of the HTC Desire as I know the HTCs are meant to be good phones. Anything else I should be looking at?

His main uses will be taking pictures and emailing them, bit of web browsing and easy to use touch screen for text as well.

eznfrank - 31/8/10 at 10:27 AM

My missus has just got a HTC Desire and I have to say I'm quite impressed and she loves it.

I have a Dell Streak which is only available on O2 contract I think. It's a bit bigger than most phones and technically somewhere between an iPhone and an iPad. Very good for web browsing, email etc and the slightly bigger than normal screen means you get a bit of a bigger keyboard which is easier to type on. Only downside is as a phone it is a little on the large side leading to Dom Jolly jokes but it's not humongous!

SeaBass - 31/8/10 at 10:43 AM

HTC Desire end of.

Jasper - 31/8/10 at 10:43 AM

Cool,. that'll do then!! Cheers chaps.

StrikerChris - 31/8/10 at 11:40 AM

HTC Desire too,just the battery doesnt seem as good as my old apple 3g....

mookaloid - 31/8/10 at 11:45 AM

another vote for HTC desire here, - although an iphone is probably easier to use for a non techie person



bmseven - 31/8/10 at 11:54 AM

Or the HTC Tatoo (sp?)

Gav - 31/8/10 at 01:03 PM

Desire users, lookup Juice Defender on the market, free app and is giving me 1.8 to 3 times the battery length!

Jasper - 31/8/10 at 01:20 PM

Got him the Legend, quite a bit cheaper than the Desire and will do everything he needs ....

joemotion - 31/8/10 at 03:55 PM

Ive got an Xperia X10 however defo go for a HTC desire as got the later Android operating system

joemotion - 31/8/10 at 03:55 PM

Ive got an Xperia X10 however defo go for a HTC desire as got the later Android operating system

40inches - 31/8/10 at 05:50 PM

I've got the t-mobile G2 (HTC Hero) it upgraded itself to Android 2.1 last week! Niiice!