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Flipping BT Rant!
nitram38 - 21/9/10 at 12:38 PM

BT infinity offered me the upgrade to 30mb and sent me the new hub.
Appointment scheduled today 8am to 1pm.
At 1pm No engineer, no phonecall.
Just spent 30 mins on the phone, they can't give me an answer as to what has gone wrong.
Just told me an engineer was not booked, even though all the emails theyve sent me (including last night) asked me to make sure someone was home.
They want to rebook again, which means another day twiddling my thumbs.
I could have gone to work today or done something constructive

Snuggs - 21/9/10 at 01:51 PM

Send them a bill for your time

Gav - 21/9/10 at 02:22 PM

16. If we do not keep an appointment, you may claim a fixed amount of £10.


ReMan - 21/9/10 at 02:35 PM

"I could have gone to work today or done something constructive

Danozeman - 21/9/10 at 02:36 PM

Id tell them to shuv it up there arse. They have loads of engineers so they should have been able to re route one to you today with the stuff.

BenB - 21/9/10 at 03:02 PM

That's shite customer services! Ask for something free in return

dave r - 21/9/10 at 03:04 PM

i have had the same problem quite recently.... no engineer when an apointment was made

i was with bt, but now gone to virgin

MikeR - 21/9/10 at 03:12 PM

Its not just BT. I've ordered a kitchen from B&Q. They ordered the wrong doors for the cabinet and had to post out the new ones. Except the bloke who delivered the new ones wouldn't take the old ones away. He arrived a week later. Then i find they've ordered me 8 wall cupboards and only 5 doors ....... so i take another day off to get them delivered (trust the misses to order the delivery only kitchen) and .... they didn't turn up. Called them and they contacted their delivery company. Delivery company decided the doors were too bashed up to deliver so didn't bother, and didn't bother telling anyone. I'm now waiting till the 5th Oct for 3 kitchen doors, having had the first part of the kitchen delivered in early august.

If i wasn't unemployed that would be 5 days i'd have taken off work to get things delivered! I'm getting a call back on Monday to see if they can speed up the final delivery and to discuss compensation.

splitrivet - 21/9/10 at 04:03 PM

We get this all the time Out of reach (BT's) appointments are AM (8.30 till 1.00) or PM ( 1 till 5.30) usually goes like this, engineer turns up 12.30 knocks all clients lines off, dissapears for lunch, a hour later 3 of em turn up arse around for 2 hours, by 4 the jobs done and they all sod off. 15 mins later we find a line missing or the broadband doesnt work. Then spend an hour trying to call faults who cant respond because the job isnt closed.
The following day if your lucky the same thing happens all over again.
We often have to hang around for hours not getting paid waiting for them. Ask them to wait 15 mins while we finish our bit and they bugger off.
What really gets my goat is they've just had a 10% pay rise back dated to Feb.

nitram38 - 21/9/10 at 04:18 PM

Feckers turned up while I was out. Freeked out my daughter. Installing it now

[Edited on 21/9/2010 by nitram38]

nitram38 - 21/9/10 at 05:51 PM

Installed, speed is really good

greggors84 - 21/9/10 at 06:42 PM

When I moved into my new house it didnt have a line so called BT to arrange one to be fitted.

It was a week before Christmas was staying at my parents down south before I moved in properly. The first appointment was the 23rd Dec, so drove up in the snow and waited all day for the engineer who was meant to be there in the morning. I phoned them at 4pm and apparently the engineer turned up and noticed that there was so over head line running to the house so left. Annoyed I made another appointment for after Christmas.

Again I drove up to Sheffield from Luton in the snow and waited all day, so phoned them again, was told the engineer couldn't get the van up the road because of the snow so he had left. So arranged another appointment for after New Years.

This time I was driving back up to Sheffield for good so wasn't going to be a trip wasted. This time the engineer did call me to say he arrived but wasn't told that the house needed an external line running and couldnt do it today. Another appointed arrange, but by then I was back at work so had to take a half day.

Waited all morning and the engineer never turned up, phoned up at lunch time and was told he had arrived and put a note through the door as there was no one home. There was no note! This time I arranged an appointed within an hour time slot so I could take a long lunch without having to take another half day off work.

So that day drove home at 12 for a 1-2 appointment, eventually the engineer turned up at 5 and took about 30 mins to install an internal and external line.

Each time I had made sure the engineer had my number and was told they would call me when they were close or if there was any problems, BT always blamed it on Open Reach even though they own them.

Sent letters and receipts for fuel for the times I had to drive up to Sheffield and they said all they would pay was £10 per missed visit. Ended up taking the £50 compensation as it was better than nothing and by then was tired of talking and writing to them.

The annoying this is I only wanted it for Sky and Broadband, I still havent plugged a phone in the wall yet.

Sorry for the massive post but looking back now I find it funny how a company can mess up so much but still get so much business because there is so few real alternatives out there.

mangogrooveworkshop - 21/9/10 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by splitrivet
We get this all the time Out of reach (BT's) appointments are AM (8.30 till 1.00) or PM ( 1 till 5.30) usually goes like this, engineer turns up 12.30 knocks all clients lines off, dissapears for lunch, a hour later 3 of em turn up arse around for 2 hours, by 4 the jobs done and they all sod off. 15 mins later we find a line missing or the broadband doesnt work. Then spend an hour trying to call faults who cant respond because the job isnt closed.
The following day if your lucky the same thing happens all over again.
We often have to hang around for hours not getting paid waiting for them. Ask them to wait 15 mins while we finish our bit and they bugger off.
What really gets my goat is they've just had a 10% pay rise back dated to Feb.

Yes same union and same business line and all we got was 2%

mangogrooveworkshop - 21/9/10 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by nitram38
Installed, speed is really good

Virgin are trialling 100 meg broadbeans.......50 is the norm now.... and BT give me three meg....

Think Im going to install my own fibre down to the exchange and stick a blackbox in there

nitram38 - 21/9/10 at 07:19 PM

Just speed tested it at 37mb. They will be changing my line to fibre optic soon from the fibre in the street. For now the last 200m is copper

mangogrooveworkshop - 23/9/10 at 09:57 PM

Originally posted by nitram38
Just speed tested it at 37mb. They will be changing my line to fibre optic soon from the fibre in the street. For now the last 200m is copper

FTC is nearly there....but for those that have to fix it when it gets broken ..stuff of nightmares.