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Rise and Fall of the Mighty Dad
donny - 11/11/10 at 02:01 PM

Hi all,
I was sent this link which is interesting but not all of it applies to me (I think). Maybe my kids are still a bit young (5 and 3).

Dad Report


whitestu - 11/11/10 at 02:24 PM

Seems like more of a criticism of mothers & daughters to me.

Most of it sounds like good reasons to respect Dads and paints mothers and daughters as over sensitive, vain and uncaring.

BenB - 11/11/10 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by whitestu
Seems like more of a criticism of mothers & daughters to me.

Most of it sounds like good reasons to respect Dads and paints mothers and daughters as over sensitive, vain and uncaring.

To me most of it sounds like a grumpy old git blaming his wife and daughters for him being walked all over. Surely if he doesn't like it he shouldn't just "suck it up".

carpmart - 11/11/10 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by whitestu
Seems like more of a criticism of mothers & daughters to me.

Most of it sounds like good reasons to respect Dads and paints mothers and daughters as over sensitive, vain and uncaring.

and you point is......... ?

whitestu - 11/11/10 at 03:08 PM


and you point is......... ?

Not sure I had one, other than the article seems a bit pointless.

BenB - 11/11/10 at 03:22 PM

I think the heading of the article should be "I'm having a midlife crisis and can't afford a Porsche"....

Jasper - 11/11/10 at 03:36 PM

Yeah - bloody moaner, needs to put his foot down a bit, if my daughter pokes my (every so small) gut, she gets hers gut poked back, and the remote definitely rests with me in our house.

I think this has come about through male lazyness and a lack of 'balls'.

And why should it be either crap modern father, or overbearing arrogant fearsome father? Why can't husbands and wifes treat each other with mutual respect, and children treated like children who should earn respect though their actions? Its what we try to do in our house. My daughter wouldn't dare speak to me badly ... and on the odd occassion she does she pays the price (a month in the cellar )

Ninehigh - 13/11/10 at 12:10 AM

I think the words here are "F**k that"

My money, my TV. I paid for it and I have the right to not have your s**t all over it on the little time I have here.
No I don't have money, but when you figure out the concepts of "switch it off after you" and "don't eat everyone else's share" then I might have some.
Yeah she pokes my belly, well I'd poke hers back but I'd lose my hand...
And dare them have a go at my hair, at least mine gets washed!

Yeah this guy needs to put his foot down a bit, like I said last time I lost my temper "Do as I tell you, or you do as I MAKE you"