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Our son born on the 25th :-)
Andybarbet - 30/4/12 at 08:57 AM

Well here he is

He ended up 9 days late but well worth the wait

Born on Thursday 25th April, 8lb 12oz's.
We still havent decided on a name so he is temporarily called 'Peanut'

My wife did amazingly well during the labour & our 2 boys are being great with the new tiddler too

Its been slightly hectic with all the family & friends popping in to wish well so its taken me a while to post this.

coozer - 30/4/12 at 08:59 AM

Well done, hope the wifes ok.

Peanuts a great name

scootz - 30/4/12 at 09:06 AM

Daddylonglegs - 30/4/12 at 09:08 AM

Nice one! Congrats to you both

I agree with Coozer

[Edited on 30/4/12 by Daddylonglegs]

franky - 30/4/12 at 09:51 AM

well done

l0rd - 30/4/12 at 11:05 AM


scudderfish - 30/4/12 at 11:09 AM

Well done, but 5 days to tell us? Bit slack that.....

Andybarbet - 30/4/12 at 11:39 AM

Yep, 5 days - I would love to say that its because ive been busy in the garage

He is certainly keeping us on our toes at the moment, we have also had so many visitors, ive never made so many cups of tea !

Today we are trying to get back to normal as best as we can, i have 2 puncture repairs to do on both of our other sons bikes, possibly a visit to tesco to stock up on more tea bags & biscuits but more importantly i need to get 'peanut' back in the garage, just to get used to the smell of metal, petrol & grease

Im off work until next wednesday so apart from the day to day stuff, im going to try & fit some new flooring in our dining room & finish off building the throttle bodies, i just need to fill the unwanted butterfly holes, fabricate some tabs for the linkages & all thats left then is to make 2 more fuel rail sections, ive made one already but i need to use the lathe at work & theres no way im popping in before i need to go back so that will have to wait.

Hopefully we can spend some quality time together a a family, its great picking our eldest 2 up from school etc, i dont get much chance to when im working.

Peteff - 30/4/12 at 12:33 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Well done, hope the wifes ok.

Peanuts a great name

My friend Pat Nutt would agree, he wanted to call his son Pistachio Congratulations.

nick205 - 30/4/12 at 12:57 PM


I bet Peanut will stick now whatever name you give him

Xtreme Kermit - 30/4/12 at 01:03 PM


But a little disapointed that my estimated arrival time was out by four days

A feel a little more curry and 'other methods' could have produced results sooner

Proby - 30/4/12 at 01:08 PM

Congratulations! Glad to hear peanut and the wife are doing well!

Andybarbet - 30/4/12 at 01:34 PM

I take full responsibilty for him being born late, as far as the 'other methods', as they used to say at school 'could have tried harder'

Im now waiting for that 'im not upset with you, im just disapointed' lecture

Pistachio nut - classic

A friend had a boy recently & his surname is 'Amos', we all said his boy should have been called 'Hippopot' but his wife wasnt up for that !

jossey - 30/4/12 at 05:39 PM


jacko - 30/4/12 at 07:24 PM

Congratulations to you and the wife