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sad sad day
jacko - 31/10/04 at 06:27 PM

Hi-all its a very sad day today - last day my cars on the road for six months. The last six months have been brill. But now my road tax has come to an end until next May. Car is now in moth balls. But now is the time for engine to come out and for mods to start. Jacko

Mk-Ninja - 31/10/04 at 06:44 PM

Dont forget the SORN doc, their getting a bit keen on fineing you these days.

Peteff - 31/10/04 at 09:11 PM

I had a run out and came back freezing, roads were a bit greasy as well.

zilspeed - 31/10/04 at 09:43 PM

I hope to get a new MOt this week and put the car back on the road.
Cold crisp days are brill in a locaterfield.

Anybody can drive in the summer...

Course this is on the basis that the rain will eventually stop............

David Jenkins - 31/10/04 at 10:30 PM

Less flies colliding with my visor in the winter...


lugo35 - 31/10/04 at 11:05 PM

Sorn!!!!! yeah they very keen scraped doner and forgot to send it off £40 fine live n learn