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BT stands for Bunch of T**ts
david_hornet27 - 28/11/14 at 09:36 PM

Does anyone have any experience of how to complain to these idiots and actually get somewhere? They've taken £441 out of my bank for 2 months of broadband and a phone line I never use.

Phoned all numbers I can find without getting anywhere and been refused point blank to speak to a manager 'because they can't do anything'.

I have been on the phone going round in circles and wondered if anyone can give me an idea of how to deal with them. They don't know why my bill is so expensive and will have to investigate. I have been given this line for the last 6 weeks and can't find anywhere else to take my complaint.

Thanks in advance.

rodgling - 28/11/14 at 09:40 PM

Try writing to OFCOM and sending BT a copy of the letter. That may get them to take it seriously.

david_hornet27 - 28/11/14 at 09:47 PM

I did look at OFCOM but they claim not to deal with individual complaints...

owelly - 28/11/14 at 09:48 PM

As sad as it may be, I've found the best way to get things moving is to publicly rant on Twitter! Pop onto and have a whinge. Their customer services will reply and off you go.......
Good luck.

david_hornet27 - 28/11/14 at 09:53 PM

Originally posted by owelly
As sad as it may be, I've found the best way to get things moving is to publicly rant on Twitter! Pop onto and have a whinge. Their customer services will reply and off you go.......
Good luck.

Thanks Owelly. I have done that on both Twitter and FB but then just got directed to the billing line who were hopeless in the first instance so I passed them up on that option, and then a chat window which ended when I complained that 'hopefully the billing team will give you a call early next week' wasn't the kind of service I was looking for.

I am going to continue to haunt them on social media though just to make myself feel a little better about being ripped off for over £350.

RedAvon - 28/11/14 at 09:58 PM

Follow their complaints procedure in writing ending up with the Ombudsman. Putting it in writing seems to be the only way these days.... if you follow their procedure they have to deal with it properly.

Hope this helps, has worked for me with big companies like British Gas and M+S.


mookaloid - 28/11/14 at 10:09 PM

Try telling your bank that it is clearly an error and under the direct debit guarantee you want your money back.

joneh - 28/11/14 at 10:27 PM

This seems to be a common occurance with BT. A friend of mine had £700 taken... He's still waiting for refund as far as I know.

02GF74 - 28/11/14 at 10:30 PM

No. I wont have it,

BT stands for Bastatd Thieves.

Andy B - 28/11/14 at 10:31 PM

I had huge issues with them when our business phone and broadband was down for. 3 weeks due to a lorry hitting a pole and taking down the line. 2 weeks after I stood at the bottom of the pole phoning in the fault they were still trying to trace the fault at the exchange. They were totally useless, rude, unsympathetic and lied on a number of occasions. I played telephone ping pong for literally hours.
What I learnt was to log every call, every name and keep escalating your complaint - as soon as you speak to the next level use the word escalate and keep going - eventually I got to someone who made a modicum of sense but don't expect too much they are virtually untouchable

morcus - 28/11/14 at 11:39 PM

Contact watchdog or similar. They might not do anything but if lots of people are having the same issue they might do something on the show and I hear they tend to get results, if nothing does happen you've not really lost anything.

owelly - 28/11/14 at 11:53 PM

We often have issues at work and after a few weeks of chasing his ar$e, the manager got hold of an 'escalation manager'. Now whenever there's a problem, my gaffer just phones this guy direct and the job gets sorted within a day or so!!

david_hornet27 - 29/11/14 at 12:33 AM

Just to show how hard these people are to deal with here is my most recent 'chat'...

Saphai Telfer: Hi, my name is Saphai Telfer. I am reviewing your question.
Saphai Telfer: Hi David, you've reached myself on the telephony repair team
Saphai Telfer: can you tell me a bit about the problem you're having?
David Roberts: It is a billing complaint. Can you still help?
Saphai Telfer: not in getting it solved but it's just so I know wether to put you in touch with the billing chat team or the customer options chat team (these guys deal with all contract issues, mis-sales etc)
Saphai Telfer: I can put you through just now to billing if you wish to speak to them instead?
David Roberts: OK. I have 1 phone line and broadband. My monthly bill is usually around £50. 2 lines have been added to my account without my knowledge. yes please
David Roberts: If you could put me through to billing.
Saphai Telfer: ok, that will definitely be one for the customer options team rather than billing if you did not sign up for those 2 extra lines yourself or were aware of them
Saphai Telfer: they should be able to investigate that and get it removed from your account so you don't get charged and should be able to put through any credit or refunds
Saphai Telfer: would you like to speak to them just now?
David Roberts: I have been charged already! It went from my bank yesterday.
David Roberts: £440
Saphai Telfer: one moment please David, I'll have a quick chat with the customer options team to see if they will be able to assist you in getting this resolved
Saphai Telfer: There is nobody free on their team just now David. Best way to proceed with this is speaking to the customer options team first to have these 2 lines removed from your account, they will then be able to put you in touch with billing if required or deal with any refunds themselves.
I'll pop you over into their queue just now but there may be a few minutes wait, alternatively you can speak to them over the phone by dialling 0800 800 152 and saying "cancellation" to reach them or the billing team on 0800 169 3090
David Roberts: If you can put me on chat please. Phoned that number 5 times with no success.
Saphai Telfer: no problem, will just pop you into their queue, it shouldn't be long for an advisor to assist
Saphai Telfer has disconnected.
Karen Coupland: Hi, my name is Karen Coupland. I am reviewing your question.
Karen Coupland: Hi David, can you provide me with the telephone numbers and account numbers of the lines you wish to cancel please
David Roberts: I only know they are 0203 numbers. They are not mine. I'm more concerned with getting my money back that I've been overcharged but nobody seems to want to help with that
Karen Coupland: i would need the telephone numbers or the account numbers so i can check the details for you so i know what i am cancelling for you
David Roberts: Account VP97***670
David Roberts: The only number that SHOU
David Roberts: should be on that account is 0163***3222
David Roberts: the other 2 numbers are not mine.
Karen Coupland: the only account i have active at the current address is the 016***3222 number
Karen Coupland: do you have any other premises?
David Roberts: So maybe BT have disconnected but I have still been charged for them along with missed appointment fees that were to do with those numbers. Why does nobody want to refund the money I have been overcharged?
Karen Coupland: do have any kind of order reference numbers? individual account numbers?
David Roberts: No because I did not ask for them. The only notice I had was a bill for £441
David Roberts: Is there no history on the account?
David Roberts: It's been 6 weeks since I phoned to explain these 0203 numbers are not mine and I did not order them and I am now £340 out of pocket and no further forward apart from the lines have obviously been cancelled.
David Roberts: I cannot see why this is so dificult?
Karen Coupland: without account numbers or telephone numbers its difficult to know what we need to cease - i'm just looking to see what i can find. do you have any other premises?
David Roberts: No. Just 109 Bartholomew Street.
David Roberts: The person I spoke to yesterday was able to see the numbers.
David Roberts: Maybe the question I should be asking is. Why have I been charged £441 for 2 monthline rental and broadband.
David Roberts: And why was it debited from my account without my authorisation?
Karen Coupland: i need to talk to the billing team to get these removed - i only have 1 line and broadband at your address which is what you have stated, so we need to get any opther accounts removed from your bill - give me a few moments whilst i get in touch with them
David Roberts: ok
Andy Provan has joined the chat.
Andy Provan: Hi David , sorry about this , i take it 0203205 0018 does not belong to you , is that correct ?
David Roberts: No the only number I have is 0163***222
Andy Provan: i understand , i am sorry about the problems David , i need to raise this as a billing query to get checked further as it loks like the number has been removed from your account but you still have charged on file for 0203205 0018 , i will raise a query and the billing enquiry team will get back to you as ap , can we get you on 01635***22 ?
David Roberts: Can you call my mobile on 07946***841 ?
David Roberts: How long is ASAP? Also what about the one off charges relating to these 0203 numbers. I have phoned the billing team before with no success which is why I
David Roberts: 'm here talking to you.
Andy Provan: i will pass the mobile number to them David and they will contact you once they have checked what has gone wrong here
David Roberts: They have been doing that for 6 weeks and can't tell me when I will get my £300+ back. They also won't let me speak to a manager
David Roberts: I have been phoning and emailing and still no resolution
Andy Provan: i do apologise , i will ask that a manager contacts you when this has been checked , and any incorrect charges raised will be credited back to you asap
David Roberts: When should
David Roberts: I expect a call?
Andy Provan: i will urge this David , hopefully they will call you early next week , we need to check exactly what these charges are for first of all
David Roberts: OK. After 6 weeks I guess a few more days won't make much difference. 'Hopefully will call you early next week' does not inspire me with much confidence.
David Roberts: I don't understand why someone can't look at the history and give me my refund?
David Roberts: Why can't a manager call me now?
Andy Provan: we will do this David , but i cannot see exactly where all these charges come from , once this is checked and the correct amount confirmed we can refund you . i will ask a manager to call you asap David
Karen Coupland has disconnected.
Andy Provan has disconnected.

[Edited on 29/11/14 by david_hornet27]

david_hornet27 - 29/11/14 at 01:02 AM

After this I received an email stating my order to have the phone and broadband cancelled had been accepted and would be disconnected on 2nd December unless I notified them this was a mistake at least 3 working days before the disconnection date.

1. This is the actual line I use for business and is the line I should be charged for.
2. There are only 2 working days between the email being sent and the proposed disconnection date.

So now I am faced with having no business phone and still have £350 missing from my bank.

[Edited on 29/11/14 by david_hornet27]

Andy B - 29/11/14 at 07:34 AM

I share your pain David - they cost us shed loads in lost trade and couldn't give a toss, I learnt a news way of gauging mileage for example the journey from Ipswich to Luton Airport is not 80 odd miles or an hour and a half - it is one call to BT customer services - they just seem to be able to keep getting away with it

Staple balls - 29/11/14 at 02:35 PM

Protip: Don't pay BT by direct debit, it only saves you £24/year if you use DD

Paying manually every month makes it easy to get what you want (because you have their money) and you have 14 days to argue the toss between getting the bill, and having to pay it.

macc man - 29/11/14 at 04:12 PM

All this talk of poor service from BT make s me rather sad. I used to work for them 11 years ago on Business Systems.
I always went out of my way to give a good service to customers and felt the company was amongst the best in the industry.
It would seem that things have gone downhill since then.

Dingz - 29/11/14 at 04:58 PM

They phoned me up a couple of days ago and a bolshy bloke demanded I pay a line rental bill, telling me they had sent a final demand the week before and would cut me off. I said I hadn't seen it and strangely enough that I hadn't been a BT customer for at least 10 years, after some time he gradually started to believe me and I then discovered he had someone elses name and address, but my number which is not a BT number anyway! So good luck to you getting your problem solved, have they recently 'outsourced?' their billing department?

David Jenkins - 29/11/14 at 09:47 PM

Originally posted by macc man
All this talk of poor service from BT make s me rather sad. I used to work for them 11 years ago on Business Systems.
I always went out of my way to give a good service to customers and felt the company was amongst the best in the industry.
It would seem that things have gone downhill since then.

Similar story for me - I worked for them for 24 years, but at the end I could see the writing on the wall - they offered me voluntary redundancy in about 1998/99 and I snatched it out of their hands. Never regretted it. Those I left behind got offered a worsening deal every year and their conditions progressively got worse - BT was doing everything possible to push people into leaving.

Of course, the first to leave were those with any sort of talent and good job skills who knew they could find another job, leaving the not-so-talented people behind...

mattf - 30/11/14 at 10:49 AM

I've seen on other car forums that when people have had issues with BT they've tried emailing the CEO and they get a response from BT pretty quickly. I've had a look on the internet and the CEO's email address can be found here.

Hope this helps.

AntonUK - 30/11/14 at 06:31 PM

Yup i've had a catalogue of issues with them and twice have had to resort to emailing the chairmans office for a resolution.

I once had my whole account canceled for no reason, then they wanted to charge me a new customer connection fee etc. To make matters worse i could not raise a complaint as to them I wasn't a customer..

splitrivet - 30/11/14 at 11:54 PM

Ive deal with them on a daily basis for 30 years they are a complete shower, in saying that daisy,talktalk, chess etc etc are even worse.
Most of the good engineers are long gone but there again they were only any use when you got to know them, most think they are the only ones who know owt about telecoms.