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Would you have pooped yourself ? I would.
Jon Ison - 15/1/07 at 03:18 PM

Scroll down these photos and tell me you would have walked away Mr cool..........

nitram38 - 15/1/07 at 03:20 PM

I would have gone and bought a lotto ticket aswell !!!!!

nick205 - 15/1/07 at 03:22 PM

I think I'd stick to walking after that!

iank - 15/1/07 at 03:24 PM

Insurance company would have had my laundry bill in the claim.

donut - 15/1/07 at 03:25 PM

I think that would have traumatised me for life!! He's one lucky bugger!!!

As for me...big brown trouser moment

iank - 15/1/07 at 03:28 PM

Look closely as the rubbish at the bottom. Is that a white van on its roof?

macnab - 15/1/07 at 03:31 PM

Is that Cadillac shown as saying ‘if your going to try that do it in a caddy’?
Hope its got very good airbag then.

macnab - 15/1/07 at 03:33 PM

Yip that’s the back of a pick up down there, after someone thought -


[Edited on 15/1/07 by macnab]

JoelP - 15/1/07 at 03:33 PM

even worse considering it looks like he came from the right hand side!

02GF74 - 15/1/07 at 03:39 PM

pah, ye bunch of big jessies, evel knevel is my middle name


Pants On Fire - 15/1/07 at 03:53 PM

Probably took his eyes of the road reaching for another beer or fiddling with the gun rack!

caber - 15/1/07 at 04:52 PM

He's knocked over a concrete barrier so must have been going at some speed and possibly already backwards looking at the position and twist in the pick up tray! Result may have been different if it had been right had drive when he got out!


jlparsons - 15/1/07 at 05:21 PM

That score one for the driver, score zero for the gene pool.

Dick Bear - 15/1/07 at 06:34 PM

Now we can honestly say, "close counts in hand grenades, horse shoes and ...."!

Dick Bear

speedyxjs - 15/1/07 at 07:14 PM

I think he needs something with a bit more downforce

GavBurns - 15/1/07 at 07:15 PM

What about the firemen, I think I would have chucked him a rope.