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Gumball Accident
Guinness - 4/5/07 at 12:24 PM

Looks like the Gumball has been cut short this year.

Has been a fatal accident.


iank - 4/5/07 at 12:29 PM

I have zero sympathy for people who do a runner from a fatal accident. I suspect they will live to truly regret that piece of stupidity.

RichieW - 4/5/07 at 12:46 PM

I always thought the people that the Gumball attracted they were a pack of Hoorays who wouldn't know where their oil filler cap was located. The newpaper reports confirmed my prejudice.

When will the idiots realise the world's not your private racetrack just because you have money and a Porsche.

cadebytiger - 4/5/07 at 01:02 PM

It's an amazing event... just a shame about some of the people.. i'm sure most of them are prob. fine. it only takes one though

[Edited on 4/5/07 by cadebytiger]

SeaBass - 4/5/07 at 01:42 PM

It was only a matter of time I'm afraid... Yes the machinery is very nice indeed but some of the drivers are way up their own arses.

Alez - 4/5/07 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by iank
I have zero sympathy for people who do a runner from a fatal accident. I suspect they will live to truly regret that piece of stupidity.

I have zero respect for anyone taking part in a rally like this.

That was just a piece of stupidity on top of a bigger piece of stupidity.

gazza285 - 4/5/07 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by iank
I have zero sympathy for people who do a runner from a fatal accident. I suspect they will live to truly regret that piece of stupidity.

According to the ITV website,

"It is believed the two men waited at the scene until ambulance crews arrived to help the driver of the second car, before rejoining the race towards the Albanian border."

They were arrested after news that the other driver had died on his way to hopital in the ambulance, not because they ran off without doing anything to help.

scoop - 4/5/07 at 02:21 PM

I can only imagine that justice will be slow coming to them and harsh with it. Wouldnt like to be in their shoes right now.

CAD Monkey - 4/5/07 at 02:27 PM

I've watched DVDs of it a few times for the cars, but as has been said before - a lot of the drivers drive like knobs! It's a shame that driving skill doesn't increase proportionally with wallet size.

When JC did the Top Gear race in the SLR he said that when you drive after being up for 24hrs your reactions are about the same as someone who's had half a bottle of scotch - and the Gumball lot drive over 170mph after hours and hours behind the wheel!

There's a complete maniac who always takes part in a 911 - wouldn't be surprised if it was him - to55er!!

benji106 - 4/5/07 at 02:33 PM

to be fair although its highly likely he was driving like a t0sser it does say the golf pulled out from a stop sign, Personally I will reserve judgement until I know all the facts

awinter - 4/5/07 at 03:02 PM


When will the idiots realise the world's not your private racetrack just because you have money and a Porsche.

I have the porsche but not the money


turbodisplay - 4/5/07 at 03:15 PM

I agree with cancelling the event to prevent further Tragic accidents.
I am getting fed up with the excuse "out of respect". This case okay, but to give an example: (Please don`t take offense if anyone lost a loved one here)
Hours after the london bombings people are talking of a two minutes silence.
My girlfriend was less than 100meters from the bus, so was distraught.

If she decided not to go, people would judge her as being callous.

However, on a certain forum I used to use people were making jokes a day after. I told them what a bunch of muppets they were!
This is a example of one extreme to another.


MikeRJ - 4/5/07 at 03:56 PM

Some more on the crash at Jalopnik

RichieW - 4/5/07 at 08:23 PM

AWinter. As long as you cant afford to crash it then thats ok in my book.

Inverted snobbery rules!!!!

At least it never killed anyone........

[Edited on 4/5/07 by RichieW]

JoelP - 4/5/07 at 09:28 PM

i read once of a guy doing the gumball who got chased through somewhere, maybe germany but i couldnt say for sure, at times doing 200mph on the hard shoulder. I'd've shot him myself if i caught him.