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‘Seven’ Chauffeur required
DannyC - 15/5/07 at 02:10 PM

I ask a favour of anyone in the Bristol – Dursley area with a road going ‘Seven’ style car (as mine is still on the workbench!!) in exchange for a good evenings worth of beer tokens.
My son leaves school this year, and has his end of school ‘Prom’ on the 28th June.
I was looking for something a bit different for him to turn up at his Prom and thought that a ‘loud’ seven would make some heads turn, rather than the raft of stretched limos which normally arrive, and also to give him a ‘controlled’ blat around the lanes beforehand.
I live in Thornbury and the Prom is in Berkeley, about 9 miles away.

Very much appreciated.

P.S. I would like to drive him there in it myself, but realise this may be asking a bit too much of a favour.

graememk - 15/5/07 at 02:18 PM

he's going to look really cool with his hair all over the place and sick on his dj lol

Jon Ison - 15/5/07 at 02:18 PM

Great idea, I'm too far away too help but someone will.

matt_claydon - 15/5/07 at 02:24 PM

I've got an Indy in Bristol and may be able to help (have to check dates), but it's only a Pinto - you'll probably want a BEC for the full effect including soundtrack!

James - 15/5/07 at 02:35 PM

What a nice idea!

Certainly would offer if I didn't live 120miles away!

Alan B - 15/5/07 at 02:42 PM

Yep...superb idea...

I'd offer, but....

I'm in Florida..

Oh, and neither car project is drivable...

But other than that.........

Jasper - 15/5/07 at 02:44 PM

Yeah, but James, he needs a 'cool' Se7en and one that's on the road .......

(duck and runs)

RazMan - 15/5/07 at 02:50 PM

I just did the very same thing THIS MORNING for a friend of mine. Her son was leaving today and asked me to chaffeur him to the school, revving the engine, leaving long black lines on the school driveway and generally acting quite chavvy ...... well, it would have been rude to refuse wouldn't it

Jasper - 15/5/07 at 03:01 PM

Hey Raz - checked out your car at Stoneleigh - one of the nicest finshed kitcars I've seen in a while - good job mate.....

Scoob - 15/5/07 at 03:02 PM

I wanna do that, but ive got no chance off it, Cos i finish school tomorrow But instead of a Seven type car, I get a Ferrari F430 to pick me up

Btw : First Post

russbost - 15/5/07 at 03:07 PM

Collected my daughter from school the other day - blocked the road with kids trying to get a look!
Fortunately none of them got run over!

smart51 - 15/5/07 at 03:14 PM

Originally posted by graememk
he's going to look really cool with his hair all over the place and sick on his dj lol

That's how he'll probably look at the end anyway.

cadebytiger - 15/5/07 at 05:31 PM

what a great idea. would have loved that at my prom but where is his date gonna sit?

tom windmill - 15/5/07 at 07:36 PM

i was gonna go to the prom in the indy but i wore a white suit so thought i prob ought not in the end good idea though

RazMan - 15/5/07 at 08:05 PM

We didn't even think of doing stuff like that 'when I were a lad' On my last day I bunked off early as I couldn't wait to leave the place

Jasper - Cheers matey

Peteff - 15/5/07 at 11:24 PM

Is he American?

DannyC - 16/5/07 at 10:21 AM

Thanks chaps, I would have liked to have finished off school in style as well, rather than just drift away, but ‘proms’ being relatively new, and one of the better, imports.

He had better use the strongest hair gel, it would be a shame to have wasted all that time preening himself in the mirror (I’m only jealous ‘cause I’ve lost mine).

Lots of offers ‘if only’ but so far looks like Matt is the only one local and with a complete car.

I just hope Matt is available on that evening.
Any more offers, just in case Matt can not make it.

Many Thanks
