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Speeding fine- how long til it arrives?
ELO - 30/8/07 at 09:25 PM

My Dad recorns he got cought speeding the other day, doing 35mph in a 30 zone. He managed to miss a camera van parked up with a cop outside it! D'oh!!
He already has some points and is pacing up and down, dreading opening any letters.
Any know how long he has to wait until he can breath out?
It was on the 21st of Aug.

shortie - 30/8/07 at 09:26 PM

usually about a week to 10 days, prob arrive tommorrow or sat morning.


Lightning - 30/8/07 at 09:35 PM

Has to be sent ( Not arrive)14 days from time of issue, you are ok after that.

The guidelines are 10% +2mph

ie 35 in a 30. As the speedo is not wholey accurate, he should be OK.

My tVR speedo is wildly out. TVR being optomistic as usual

[Edited on 30/8/07 by Lightning]

iank - 30/8/07 at 09:37 PM

If it's longer than 14 days (not including day of offence) he theoretically doesn't have to pay/get points. It can take a fight though - and they are normally quicker these days.

On the bright side if it was really 35mph on the speedo he probably won't get a ticket - unless it's unusually accurate - as he was probably doing less than 32mph in reality and there is some leeway normally given to avoid the otherwise inevitable 'was it calibration' whining in court.

ELO - 30/8/07 at 09:42 PM

Thanks guys for the response - only posted 15 mins ago!
I'll let him know,

BenB - 30/8/07 at 09:45 PM

Yup. Has to be 14 days....

Aboardman - 30/8/07 at 10:00 PM

and at 35 mph he might be offered a speed awareness course, think it costs you more think £80 but no points, it would depend on the area.

meany - 30/8/07 at 10:12 PM

might be useful.

Avoneer - 30/8/07 at 10:37 PM

It's 10% +/- 3 unless you live in a no- tolerance policing zone.

I've yet to see anyone prosecuted at my Court for anything under 37mph in 10 years working there.


lotustwincam - 30/8/07 at 10:40 PM

Another useful speeding related site

Speed Trap Bible

Confused but excited. - 30/8/07 at 10:56 PM

I was informed by local plod that the 10% +/- 3mph does not apply in a 30mph limit area. The officer's descretion limit is 34mph, after that it's £60 and 3 points.

flak monkey - 31/8/07 at 06:26 AM

Think I might have got pinged on the A134 on weds having just overtaken someone

speedyxjs - 31/8/07 at 10:04 AM

I never knew they gave such big margins
I thought they only gave about 2mph leeway.

Peteff - 31/8/07 at 10:17 AM

There's one of those signs near here that flashes up your speed and a thank you if you are legal and when I'm doing an indicated 30 in the van it flashes 27mph and thank you so at an indicated 35mph he is probably alright.

matt_claydon - 31/8/07 at 10:23 AM

I believe the ACPO guidelines say 10% +3, but that doesn't means you can't be done for less although it's very rare people are.

Most cars I've been in read about 7-10% over the actual speed when comparing to GPS so in total you probably get about 20% tolerance above what your speedo is indicating. Which is why when you get caught you can't really complain

Mr Rob - 31/8/07 at 11:08 AM

I got done for 35 in a 30 by one of the vans. I chucked it in the bin, i also threw the second "we're taking you to court" letter in the bin. Never heard an other thing. This was about 4 years ago so things have probably got stricter now.

My parents were both in the force and mom told me if they tried to do me that she would vouch for me posting the letter.

fesycresy - 31/8/07 at 12:01 PM

My Road Angel says my speedo tells lies

smitstui - 31/8/07 at 12:20 PM

Mr Rob - 'My parents were both in the force and mom told me if they tried to do me that she would vouch for me posting the letter.'

That really winds me up. Everyone gets done for speeding and faces up to it (or not.) but your Parents who are 'in the force' are willing to lie for you, yet these are the people who are responsible for enforcing the law in the first place.

Its just another case of one rule for them and another for us.

Confused but excited. - 31/8/07 at 12:42 PM

What's the point in having power, if you can't abuse it?

james h - 31/8/07 at 02:29 PM

Its a good job somebody posted this topic, I am very worried after going past a police car with a camera in it (last thursday)

I was sure I was over the limit (30) by at least 5-6 mph according to my speedo.

Thing is the cop car was parked round a gentle bend as I came out of my village - the sleepiest and most pedestrian free area and everyone speeds up at this point!

There has been no reported crime in the last seven years, and no accidents as far as I can remember since living here (7 years also)

This does really annoy me since there is a large drugs problem in both my village and the surrounding areas (I personally know a lot of the worst offenders) yet the police insist on spending their time and resources in their nice warm cars pointing laser guns at people going a little too fast who are apparently a greater menace to society.

A few months back I passed a car with four or five officers standing around it doing nothing but looking at the speed gun they were setting up. Do they need that many people?

Does anyone know where the most densely populated camera area is? Yesterday near Leeds I noticed 4 within half a mile of each other.

Ahh! Grr!
Sorry, rant over

I am sure someone will come along and counter by saying that we wouldn't have a problem anyway if we kept to the limits but who does actually keep to them all the time? And aren't the limits designed for cars decades old anyway?

Oops, there I go again

Disclaimer: The views above do not necessarily represent those of the author