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Another lunatic law
Paul TigerB6 - 26/6/08 at 09:17 AM

Is it just me or is our moronic government about to try and force upon us yet another dictatorial law that will open us up to millions of pounds worth of wasteful cases in the court??


Seems to me the government are trying to head closer and closer to a dictatorial state!! How many court cases could this lead to by rejected job applicants just because they are female / other minority group??? Really cant believe we have to have laws of this sort to allow the government to try and force in certain employees !!

speedyxjs - 26/6/08 at 09:19 AM

Its just getting so stupid
See post further down btw

mookaloid - 26/6/08 at 09:50 AM

Some people still don't seem to realise that this government is still trying to take all choice and freedom away from us.

I am not a racist or a sexist or an ageist but I want to have the right to appoint whoever I want to appoint to work for me. It is not necessarily qualifications which make the difference either - things like will this person get on with the rest of the staff do matter and I'm not going to introduce someone to my work place who will bring disharmony even if they have more qualifications than everyone else put together.

I want the right to employ someone because I like them and not risk some woman/black/aisian or regular white guy sueing me because they had better qualifications than the person who got the job

Makes my blood boil

Mr Angry getting his coat..............

GeorgeM - 26/6/08 at 10:02 AM

only one answer to these 'laws'

employ the person who best fits your needs.
if someone doesn't like it, shut your business
down, sign on for a while (to get something back),
then emigrate like everyone else.

r1_pete - 26/6/08 at 10:02 AM

^^^^ Absolutely correct, how the person fits in and how that effects productivity is vital.

Spyderman - 26/6/08 at 10:12 AM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Some people still don't seem to realise that this government is still trying to take all choice and freedom away from us.

I am not a racist or a sexist or an ageist but I want to have the right to appoint whoever I want to appoint to work for me. It is not necessarily qualifications which make the difference either - things like will this person get on with the rest of the staff do matter and I'm not going to introduce someone to my work place who will bring disharmony even if they have more qualifications than everyone else put together.

I want the right to employ someone because I like them and not risk some woman/black/aisian or regular white guy sueing me because they had better qualifications than the person who got the job

Makes my blood boil

Mr Angry getting his coat..............

As someone who is constantly discriminated against because I am old, white and male and far more capable than a lot of others interviewed, I agree with you entirely!

It is due to positive discrimination that we are in the mess we are now. At one time the best qualified, whether paper qualifications or experience would have stood as good a chance as any other. Now it is the one who shouts "prejudice" the loudest that wins.

What if the highest qualified for a bank cashiers job is a thief, convicted or not, are you now forced to employ them?

Bloody narrow minded politicians just out to mark their name on society.

ps; just a thought! Maybe these politicians should start cleaning their own house before starting on ours. When they can get away with paying unqualified family members for doing nothing as a so-called secretary without even advertising the job. Why should employers take the slightest notice of what they say.

[Edited on 26/6/08 by Spyderman]

BenB - 26/6/08 at 10:52 AM

I don't see what everyone's getting so worked up about?? This kind of thing has been going on for ages.

All they're saying is that a company "can" be effectively be discriminatory (only for certain people) and it not be illegal. They don't have to (that would be true positive discrimination) but they can if they want to.... Stuff like that's happening already (and has beenfor years)...

Where we live there's a company called "My Fare Lady" who are female taxis (so you can guess how good their driving is
). All the drivers are female, all the people who answer the phone are female. The whole shebang is female.....

Clearly that is discriminatory.

Okay, their reasoning is that "women prefer to be driven by female taxi drivers". Doesn't mean the whole thing has to be run by women. Why not set up a taxi firm where 50% of the drivers are women.....

Let's face it- the law (if passed) just backs up what is already happening. If I go for a job (and I'm the best qualified person for it) but it goes to a lesser qualified woman, if I try and scream "discrimination" how far do you think it'll get me? If companies want to positively discriminate they can do. End of. Trying to make this into a law is pointless because the law would have no effect.

mookaloid - 26/6/08 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by BenB
I don't see what everyone's getting so worked up about?? This kind of thing has been going on for ages.

All they're saying is that a company "can" be effectively be discriminatory (only for certain people) and it not be illegal. They don't have to (that would be true positive discrimination) but they can if they want to.... Stuff like that's happening already (and has beenfor years)...

Where we live there's a company called "My Fare Lady" who are female taxis (so you can guess how good their driving is
). All the drivers are female, all the people who answer the phone are female. The whole shebang is female.....

Clearly that is discriminatory.

Okay, their reasoning is that "women prefer to be driven by female taxi drivers". Doesn't mean the whole thing has to be run by women. Why not set up a taxi firm where 50% of the drivers are women.....

Let's face it- the law (if passed) just backs up what is already happening. If I go for a job (and I'm the best qualified person for it) but it goes to a lesser qualified woman, if I try and scream "discrimination" how far do you think it'll get me? If companies want to positively discriminate they can do. End of. Trying to make this into a law is pointless because the law would have no effect.

Well I hope you are right but I can't help wondering why the government is bothering if it will have no effect.

I think we all know that this government has a history of presenting new legislation/budgetary matters etc with a positive spin and then when it actually comes into force we then find out that actually the implications are somewhat different from the first impression.

I cite the 10p tax rate, car road fund licensing, various legislation regarding landlords and tenants (which is my area of expertise) THE IRAQ WAR and I have no doubt there are many other examples of this governments sneaky, creeping takeover of our rights and freedoms.

ARRGGG I've done it again - got to get off my soap box ..............

smart51 - 26/6/08 at 11:21 AM

From what radio 4 were saying this morning, white male people will not be able to sue under this law.

They call it an equality bill, yet it embedds discrimination into the law.

On the subject of discrimination, B&Q sell everything at a discount to the over 65s on Wednesday afternoon. Is this a clear case of discrimination based on age? I would bring legal procedings myself, but being white and male, I'm not allowed to.

DavidM - 26/6/08 at 12:06 PM

Let's all protest outside parliament.

Oh no, sorry, can't do that, it's against the law now!!!!!!


russbost - 26/6/08 at 12:24 PM

Well, you know what to do guys, come the next election ...........

woodster - 26/6/08 at 12:24 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid

ARRGGG I've done it again - got to get off my soap box ..............

in my opinion we need more people on soap boxes ..... but also we NEED people in goverment that listen

Paul TigerB6 - 26/6/08 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
I am not a racist or a sexist or an ageist but I want to have the right to appoint whoever I want to appoint to work for me. It is not necessarily qualifications which make the difference either - things like will this person get on with the rest of the staff do matter and I'm not going to introduce someone to my work place who will bring disharmony even if they have more qualifications than everyone else put together.

I want the right to employ someone because I like them and not risk some woman/black/aisian or regular white guy sueing me because they had better qualifications than the person who got the job

Totally with you on the above. The morons in power seem to think its all about qualifications to do the job and thats the be all and end all. Makes a mockery of the whole interview process if they get their way wont it!! The whole thing actually seems to be doing a lot to increase discrimination and not reduce it - what sort of law promotes discrimination in order to apparently reduce discrimination against certain groups?? Sheer lunacy!!!

jamiepearson69 - 26/6/08 at 01:47 PM

If your a white able bodied male, then you have no rights over anyone else!!

And thats not discrimination!!!

[Edited on 26/6/08 by jamiepearson69]

whitestu - 26/6/08 at 02:26 PM

I'm pushing for the next lot of anti discrimination laws that outlaw discrimination on grounds of lack of ability.

After all, it's not my fault I can't drive as well as Lewis Hamilton. If McLaren don't give me a contract I'll sue them. As an employer it's their responsibility to install whatever driver aids I need to be competitive.

I think the government has a responsibility to rectify such injustice.

What do you think - should I email Harriet Harman?

Paul TigerB6 - 26/6/08 at 02:59 PM

Originally posted by whitestu
I'm pushing for the next lot of anti discrimination laws that outlaw discrimination on grounds of lack of ability.

After all, it's not my fault I can't drive as well as Lewis Hamilton. If McLaren don't give me a contract I'll sue them. As an employer it's their responsibility to install whatever driver aids I need to be competitive.

I think the government has a responsibility to rectify such injustice.

What do you think - should I email Harriet Harman?

You've got no chance - i'm assuming you are a white male anyway!!!!!!

I vote Fozzie or Claire for an F1 drive next year with McClaren then. After all there are no women drivers and the government says they have to positively discriminate in order to get a better balance!!

Ok girls we'll let you fight it out who gets the job. Watch the suggestions for the rules to the fight come flooding in now............

DIY Si - 26/6/08 at 04:01 PM

I can think of a few "rules" for the fight, but since Fozzie is a mod and I might need Claire's help in the future, I daren't suggest any that immediately come to mind.....

[Edited on 26/6/08 by DIY Si]

smart51 - 28/6/08 at 07:56 AM

Originally posted by russbost
Well, you know what to do guys, come the next election ...........

Well yes, but is the greasy weasel any better than the dour scot?