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Which water pump does one need?
b16mts - 31/5/10 at 08:36 PM

eh up,

Tiger has shafted it water pump. thankfully went just as i was getting home so no damage done. should have seen it coming, had a squeeky fan belt, and a strange bearing grindy noise more recently. Anyway the noise has gone!! but now my water pump doesn't.

its a 2.0 pinto with very little room between the pump and the inboard shocks. I notice there's 2 types of pump, viscous fan, and fixed. Obviously there's no fan, so does it matter which type of pump i get?



[Edited on 31/5/10 by b16mts]

RazMan - 31/5/10 at 10:29 PM

Ever thought about ditching the standard pump and going electric?

b16mts - 1/6/10 at 08:10 AM

Sounds like a good idea, but bet it'll cost more that 30 quid to do it!!

Does no-one know about the whole viscous/fixed thing then?

