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T9 Gearbox with ford elecectronic speedo pick-up
alfas - 28/1/17 at 10:52 AM

somebody offered me a t9 gearbox from a 2.9i v6 scorpio.

the box conatins an electric pick-up for the speedo.

can i cnovert this to mechanical speedo by changing the pick-up thing on the gearbox?

behind this electric pick-up the gearbox has the same "mechanics" than the one for a mechanical speedo?

or could i even use the fords original eelctric pick-up for any aftermarket electronic-speedo?

pic taken from web (red circle shows this electric pick-up)

Mash - 28/1/17 at 12:19 PM

Not an expert, but I believe you could use "speedohealer". Designed for bikes, but appears to work with any electronic speedo?

alfas - 28/1/17 at 12:40 PM

the main question was:

can i replace the acutally fitted e-speedo pick-up to the conventional mechanical-drive for a cable operated speedo.

Andybarbet - 28/1/17 at 02:30 PM

If you find out that you can, could this be used to convert the other way ? I'm looking at replacing mechanical with electronic.

Oddified - 28/1/17 at 04:10 PM

No, well not easily any way. The rear casing is different (the cable drive normally comes out the opposite side from the electronic sensor, and that side normally has a blank pug over the speedo gear) and so is the worm drive on the output shaft on the electronic speedo version.

Yes they work perfect with aftermarket speedo's(that's what i use in my kitten), the wires are;-

Brown - gnd
Blue/black - 12v
yellow/brown - pulse signal out

Calculates out at 2.5 pulses/prop turn.


alfas - 28/1/17 at 04:28 PM

its a LHD car, so that would be even better.

would the mechancal pick-up fit into this place, too?

Oddified - 28/1/17 at 04:34 PM

No, the mechanical speedo drive will not fit on that tail housing. If you must have a cable drive then you'd need to swap the tail housing and speedo drive worm on the output shaft.


alfas - 28/1/17 at 04:51 PM

perfect...thanks a lot...that was all info i needed.

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