somebody offered me a t9 gearbox from a 2.9i v6 scorpio.
the box conatins an electric pick-up for the speedo.
can i cnovert this to mechanical speedo by changing the pick-up thing on the gearbox?
behind this electric pick-up the gearbox has the same "mechanics" than the one for a mechanical speedo?
or could i even use the fords original eelctric pick-up for any aftermarket electronic-speedo?
pic taken from web (red circle shows this electric pick-up)
Not an expert, but I believe you could use "speedohealer". Designed for bikes, but appears to work with any electronic speedo?
the main question was:
can i replace the acutally fitted e-speedo pick-up to the conventional mechanical-drive for a cable operated speedo.
If you find out that you can, could this be used to convert the other way ? I'm looking at replacing mechanical with electronic.
No, well not easily any way. The rear casing is different (the cable drive normally comes out the opposite side from the electronic sensor, and that
side normally has a blank pug over the speedo gear) and so is the worm drive on the output shaft on the electronic speedo version.
Yes they work perfect with aftermarket speedo's(that's what i use in my kitten), the wires are;-
Brown - gnd
Blue/black - 12v
yellow/brown - pulse signal out
Calculates out at 2.5 pulses/prop turn.
its a LHD car, so that would be even better.
would the mechancal pick-up fit into this place, too?
No, the mechanical speedo drive will not fit on that tail housing. If you must have a cable drive then you'd need to swap the tail housing and
speedo drive worm on the output shaft.
perfect...thanks a lot...that was all info i needed.
thread could be closed.