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Engine Missfire
slim Jim - 9/2/08 at 05:26 PM

Afternoon all,

Just been out for a great blat, second one in two straight weekends and realised how much i have missed the dry weather!

All was great with the car, having been out for getting on for an hour on both outings this month all was nicely warmed up and running well - then after this if I gave the throttle much more than a gentle squeeze it felt like the engine started to miss and it would not pick up.

It was set up on the rolling road last year and was obviously all ok after this - has new plugs etc so am at a it of a loss as to why this should happen when all was so fine for so long.

For info I am running a pinto with twin 45's, and red top pump with a lumenition unit........any one any ideas?

Cheers Jim

rusty nuts - 9/2/08 at 05:35 PM

What engine are you running? May help to diagnose fault.

slim Jim - 9/2/08 at 05:41 PM

It's a 2 litre pinto, slightly lumpy cam (can't remember what exactly), twin 45 webers, red top pump, filter king pressure regulator, lumntion withn a standard dizzy.

Originally posted by slim Jim

For info I am running a pinto with twin 45's, and red top pump with a lumenition unit........any one any ideas?

rusty nuts - 9/2/08 at 06:01 PM

Get a pair of insulated pliers , preferably H T lead pliers and pul the leads off one at a time with the engine running. If you pull a lead off that doesn't drop the engine revs as much as the others that is the faulty cylinder. Listen for a cracking noise from the HT lead when held a small distance from the plug, if no noise the perhaps swop the HT lead and plug from another cylinder and retest cylinders . Check inside distributor cap , look for a line around the HT lead contact (looks like it could be drawn on in pencil) Check for air leaks using WD 40 spray around manifold and carbs. Engine revs will rise if you find a leak. If that doesn't find the misfire then a compression test may show a fault. Has the head been converted to unleaded? If not it could be a problem? Recheck/adjust valve clearances, tight tappets can cause problems. Have a look for petrol leaking from carbs, possible flooding?