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Reservoir Bracket
AndyRead - 1/8/11 at 05:16 PM

I have had a good search but cant find what I want!

Does anyone know where I can get a bracket for this?

Thanks in advance!

[Edited on 1/8/11 by AndyRead]

SeaBass - 1/8/11 at 05:19 PM

WTF bracket?

AndyRead - 1/8/11 at 05:26 PM

The reservoir is remote from the master cylinder so needs securing to the chassis!

spdpug98 - 1/8/11 at 05:49 PM

I just got a small bit of ali and put 90degree bend in it and rivetted it to the bulk head above the cylinders, used a cable tie to secure in place

ETA: pic

[Edited on 1/8/11 by spdpug98]

AndyRead - 1/8/11 at 05:59 PM

I had thought about making one, but would like a proper one if they are available!

macc man - 1/8/11 at 06:57 PM

I made one from 3 mm alloy strip. Works well and looks good.

Davegtst - 1/8/11 at 07:50 PM

I made my own too. Didn't realise you could get a proper one.

norfolkluego - 1/8/11 at 08:01 PM

I've just taken one of those off my car, thing was wobbling about all over the place. Bracket was two ally strips, pop riveted at right angles, one wrapped around it side to side, one across the to and bottom and bolted to the chassis.
Utterly useless, flopped about like a.......floppy thing.
Probably got a picture of it somewhere, I'll have a look

Old one

New one

eddie99 - 1/8/11 at 08:24 PM

Don't think a proper bracket is available, making it is the only option

AndyRead - 1/8/11 at 10:01 PM

Originally posted by eddie99
Don't think a proper bracket is available, making it is the only option

Oh well another little project for an evening!