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Why is all the writing in the middle ????
Dopdog - 14/6/13 at 10:43 AM

Why is all the writing in the middle of the screen? or in other words why does it not start at the left hand side of the page?
I am confused?

Benzine - 14/6/13 at 10:50 AM

same for me, has been for years so I'm used to it

ed1801 - 14/6/13 at 11:37 AM

Are you using internet explorer? I had to choose compatibility mode.

In the address bar to the right of the address, I have a magnifying glass, then a down arrow, then a thing that looks like a bit of ripped paper. I clicked that and it is now fixed.

Dopdog - 14/6/13 at 12:08 PM

FANTASTIC it worked

the constant builder - 15/6/13 at 09:04 AM

Thanks, been wondering about that for a while, fixed now.

Best regards
