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voltage stabiliser
PAULD - 7/4/23 at 02:41 PM

I am using the instrument cluster from a 82 cortina and the fuel and temp gauges are wandering about. I suspect the voltage stabiliser. Does anyone know if they are replaceable and can recommend one.

Prof_Cook - 7/4/23 at 07:15 PM

They appear to be replaceable - reading the following linked page shows someone had "similar" problem and solved by buying a solid state replacement:

Unfortunately I dont know what your current regulator is so cant assist in finding a replacement or a stockist.

[Edited on 7/4/23 by Prof_Cook]

obfripper - 7/4/23 at 09:44 PM

The standard ford gauges use a 5v regulator, the following link shows an original mk5 cortina regulator which internally uses an 7805 3 pin regulator.

Check all the solder joints for dry joints, there is a diode which can be tested with a multimeter, and a capacitor which if not bulged should be ok.

If all that looks in order, the 7805 is likely to be kaput and is easily replaceable for a couple quid.
If you were bothered you could replace all components (again only a couple quid on ebay) , the diode is likely to be replaceable with a 1n4001 diode, and the capacitor would need to be id'd but is likely 40-50v and 330nF , there may be a 0.1nF cap on the regulated output, but can't see it on the above listing pictures.


PAULD - 8/4/23 at 08:59 AM

Thanks chaps, thats what I need to know.