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Wheel alignment measurement (Kwikfit?)
PSpirine - 22/11/12 at 04:09 PM

So my 740iL has just gone through 4mm of front wheel tread in <400 miles, and handles like arse.

Both fronts wearing the same (symmetrical), and it's a saw-tooth pattern, where the outboard edge of every treadblock is down to the indicators, and the inboard edge has 6mm of tread.

Wreaks of excessive toe-in to me. I got the car like this with the fronts worn down (hence why I put a replacement set of tyres on).

Now there is nothing adjustable on the 740iL except for toe in the front suspension, and I can adjust it myself.

Problem is, I haven't got a flat drive/road to set up some string and measure the toe myself, but I noticed ATS and KwikFit do "free vehicle checks" which include wheel alignment.

I couldn't give a rats pimple about what they find "wrong, you best come look at it Sir", but will they tell me the actual toe values for the front wheels if it's wrong?

If so, what's stopping me getting a reading, making some adjustments, taking it for another free reading. I reckon within 3 visits I can have it set pretty much spot on.

P.S. the car was given to me for free, hence why I'm trying to not spend much money on it.

This is all assuming it'll get onto the ramp - it's lowered to heck...

Davegtst - 22/11/12 at 04:22 PM

I know this is a locost site but come on. How tight can you get.

renetom - 22/11/12 at 05:04 PM

I've heard of tight, but you have to take first prize

PSpirine - 22/11/12 at 05:10 PM

Wahey... I won something!

In all seriousness though.. If the rest of the car was sorted, I'd take it for a proper alignment (even though only toe is adjustable), but given that it's got some other kinks to iron out, I don't want to spend loads of money on getting the toe set up now since it might have to be done again later due to rear levelling suspension adjustments.

As for tight.. it's more about me not trusting the donkeys at most tyre places to actually adjust it! Just need them to measure it.

As for being really tight - yep, that's me! However, I did buy a drop link from the BMW main dealer for this car - not locost at all

Alternatively, I'm all ears for a way to manually set the toe on a gravel drive.

ian locostzx9rc2 - 22/11/12 at 05:16 PM

Most garages charge 20 to 25 pounds to adjust the tracking as long as its not completly siezed so alot cheaper than 2 new tyres every 500 miles?...

britishtrident - 22/11/12 at 05:16 PM

Shell the beans out and buy a Gunson Trakrite (drive over type) it is an investment -- if it doubles the life of just one pair of tyres it has paid for itself twice over.

cliftyhanger - 22/11/12 at 05:18 PM

How hard is it to find a flat bit of hardstand. Carpark at sainsburys or whatever. I use the 2 bricks, 2 bits of straight steel box (as wood is never straight) and 2 tape measure system. About 2mins to set up youself, 5 mins to adjust and 2 mins to re-check.

If it isn't toe that is causing the issues, you may have to regard the car as a donor......(unless you can borrow a portapower )

Saying all that for the sake of £20 or whjatever they charge it may be rather easier to get them to sort it. Besides, you are likely to get into a serious confrontation as they will probably adjust it and try to charge you.....

renetom - 22/11/12 at 05:25 PM

2 planks 1M long & a tape measure
Job done , near enough as wont wear out your tyres.

[Edited on 22/11/12 by renetom]

vanepico - 22/11/12 at 05:51 PM

one collapsable tent pole, adjust and wedge in the front and compare to the back then adjust accordingly, then check it's straight by driving it a bit, worked for all my dad's cars

Alfa145 - 22/11/12 at 06:39 PM

If its a 740 it'll probably use £20-£30 worth of petrol going back and to Kwik-Fit to have it checked May aswell pay them and save the juice. Or just use the 2 plank method.

rusty nuts - 22/11/12 at 08:00 PM

If it's that bad try adjusting each side track rod end to give less toe , that won't cost anything

Dave Ashurst - 22/11/12 at 08:12 PM

Would it be cheaper to just get another free car and sell this one for scrap?

Dave Ashurst - 22/11/12 at 08:24 PM

Or get your alignment checked free at Kwikfit


david_hornet27 - 22/11/12 at 08:40 PM

I wouldn't trust KwikFit with a toy car let alone a real one...

Just seeing the name sends a cold shiver down my spine!