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Fury input / advice
MarcV - 4/6/22 at 08:18 PM

So I intend to buy a Fury this summer. There aren't many around here in NL so choice is limited.

Luckily however two are for sale at the same kitcar place;
Fury 1
Fury 2

My to do list in terms of major work would be;
- Convert to LHD
- Engine swap (see other thread)
But it would be nice to get to know the car and enjoy it before these changes would happen.

So the drivetrain is not a major concern for me at the moment. Both will have dutch registration on purchase which is good.

I am leaning towards one of them, but to prevent biased answers I won't tell yet ;-) I have seen both, not yet driven them.

Any advice on one over the other (or none of both for that matter)?


HowardB - 5/6/22 at 07:22 AM

They seem costly... I'm sure a RHD version would be ok for a bit. There are (have been) some very good cars for sale in the UK. What are the import/ registration issues?

MarcV - 5/6/22 at 09:38 AM

Since Brexit import is a major issue. Basically the individual approval is no longer recognized and a new approval is needed. Technically this can be sorted I think (not too sure on 2022 rules), but the tax would be enormous.

For this same reason I won't be able to register my GKD Legend. Estimated tax is order of 15k to 20k euro.

Indeed RHD is fine for some time. But having done quite a few miles in the UK with my regular (LHD) cars I did find it sub-optimal.

pigeondave - 6/6/22 at 09:27 PM

Fury 1, the exhaust is on the side which wont cook you. Get it on proper size wheels 13" and it'll be good

Doesn't say if they're live axle or IRS.
They both look heavy with full interiors and big padded seats.

At the end of the day it's down to you.

adithorp - 7/6/22 at 11:34 AM

Worth noting that to convert to LHD would require changes to the chassis as the two sides are not symetrical. The drivers side (right-hand) footwell is longer to accommodate the pedal box.

Number one looks the better choice but as pigeondave, it needs smaller rims.

MarcV - 7/6/22 at 08:35 PM

Thanks for the input so far!

Both cars have live axle rear. There are some minor differences like Fury1 having glass side windows compared to Lexan kind of stuff on Fury2. Also looking under the bonnet we see Fury 1 having the 'closing plates' of the wheel wells in the bonnet panel whereas 2 has it on the chassis. I was assuming that having it in the bonnet will make this part considerably stiffer / better.

Good info on chassis changes required for the pedals, thanks. The welding part is no concern, hopefully there is no VIN at that place.

Forgot it on the todo list, but a rollbar will be added for peace of mind.

yogibear1969 - 14/6/22 at 08:13 PM

Can I suggest talking to matt Downes, ex-stylus owner, he and a French freind are in the process of converting, Matt just planning at this stage, a RHD to LHD conversion. As Matt is now resident of la France.

MarcV - 23/6/22 at 09:14 PM

Thanks Edd, that sounds interesting indeed. Is Matt on here?

yogibear1969 - 27/6/22 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by MarcV
Thanks Edd, that sounds interesting indeed. Is Matt on here?

Yes, I have messaged him, hopefully he'll pop in soon.

MattD - 28/6/22 at 04:57 PM

Hi Marc

Yes, I am converting a RHD Stylus to LHD, UK car but I'm now living in France. Registration not a cheap process here either, so might say impossible.

If you look at the tunnel tubes, the lower pair are the same LHD/RHD, it's just the top pair that angle across to orient the engine towards the passenger side/gearbox clearance.
And as Adi said.. pedal box bulkhead.
This can be fabricated LHD using 25mm box section & sheet metal.
I am attempting to cheat, as I have small feet, so I will extend forward with the RHD tunnel as is.
Basic problem is relocating the starter motor out of the way.

Drop me a u2u if you like. I have a nice lancia turbo motor to replace the fiat TC on fury1... Lol... It's only come out as the steering shaft needs to go thru where the turbo was... No good for LHD.


obfripper - 28/6/22 at 10:19 PM

Have a look at this thread, Samuele has made a LHD replacement fury chassis amongst other top notch engineering.


MarcV - 29/12/22 at 10:03 PM

Thanks for all the input everybody, very informative.

So in the starting post I mentioned I was out to buy this year and as you by now expect, it didn't happen. With mortgage interest rising we decided to fix it down at a low rate (1.3%) for the next 20 years. Need to see how it turns out, but don't think it can be a bad decision. Downside was the fine we had to pay which blew out the kitcar for this year.

So with a new year arriving, a new chance is arriving as well. Mortgage is not going to play a role this time ;-)

Still in the market for either of the fury's. But also looking at a Midtec Spyder which is similarly priced.

Pros and cons of the Fury (as I see them at the moment);
+ far better looking
+ good upgrade path with AJ30 (which I even have seen new at reasonable prices)
- live axle (I now they seem to work very well on these cars, still IRS is technically a better choice)
- they really need to get some attention as they are quite rough

Pros and cons of the Midtec;
- not really a pretty thing. Needs a rebody. Even some Dutch guys are doing this rebody thing which probably will be a bit costly
+ The one for sale has a L4 engine, so I assume VAG V8 with transaxle will fit....
+ mid-engine, RWD.... A layout I would like to have back in my life at some point in time.
+ the one for sale seems in good condition for the time being.

I also looked at converting a boxster to a VAG V8, but annual tax (due to weight) is pretty steep. A knackered boxster is pretty cheap though.

gremlin1234 - 30/12/22 at 09:32 PM

have you seen this (not road registered) fury?