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OT - where to stay in Kennacraig
JoelP - 28/9/13 at 07:53 PM

As per the title, can anyone recommend where to stay in Kennacraig for a night before the morning ferry to Islay?!


ali f27 - 28/9/13 at 08:29 PM

Hi theres a castle made into a hotel just before tarbert have stayed there before getting early ferry to islay was really differnt will try to look and see what they called it

johnny chimpo - 29/9/13 at 10:38 AM

Originally posted by ali f27
Hi theres a castle made into a hotel just before tarbert have stayed there before getting early ferry to islay was really differnt will try to look and see what they called it

Stonefield Castlle?

JoelP - 30/9/13 at 11:12 AM

Looks a nice place cheers.

blakep82 - 30/9/13 at 11:55 AM

If you get the ferry from portavadie to tarbert, stop by at polphail (just before the ferry terminal) a proper ghost town :-)

JoelP - 1/10/13 at 07:39 PM

That's awesome Blake. We've got something like that in Leeds.

We're actually driving from Leeds to Kennacraig and getting the ferry over the next morning. But cheers!