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Unpacking my stuff
nick205 - 5/4/16 at 09:48 AM

Well, as mentioned before I suffered an unexplained head injury back in December 2014. I spent a lot of 2015 in hospital with part of my skull removed a trachiotemy (sp?) and pipes in my head. I'm lucky enough to be back up and walking/talking and still employed, but now have epilepy and can't drive - life could be a whole lot worse though and I'm glad to be here - SWMBO thought she'd have to bury me

As it happened just prior to the injury we'd almost bought another house and accepted an offer on ours. As a result I'd packed all my stuff and had it in boxes in the garage. This weekend I finally started unpacking and have discovered things I'd forgotten about. Of note I found a box of spray cans I didn't know about and as a result took it as a bonus find.

I also discovered some tools I'd forgotten I had, including a compression tester. Being that I'd forgotten about them I'm thinking I might eBay a load of stuff and pocket some money instead.

Thoughts of the LCB community please, what would you do?

r1_pete - 5/4/16 at 10:53 AM

Flog the spray cans and any other paints / consumables if you can, I got sick of seeing half full tins of emulsion gloss and aerosols, and having them fall off the shelves, binned the lot and vowed in future to buy just enough for the job in hand rather than twice as much as we need because its only 1.5 x the price.

I love tools so wouldn't sell them, unless you really want to sell me that compression tester, its something I've half heartedly had on the shopping list for a while.

I Really hope you improve and get back driving etc. I've read your posts and really feel for you, I honestly cannot imagine how I would cope....

nick205 - 5/4/16 at 11:26 AM

Tools may be worth keeping as you say. IIRC the compression tester wasn't expensive and I've used it a few times on different engines.

The paint is probably easier to bin - I don't need it and making room to store it will be a PITA.

Canada EH! - 5/4/16 at 02:26 PM

Don't do what my race crew did years ago with the paint tins.

They threw them in a 45 gallon drum we used to burn trash in.

I came home from work on the night shift and lite the barrel.

Sounded like mortars going off and cans flying in the air.

Scared the living SH*&^t out of the retired WW11 German and Canadian soldiers that lived on either side of me.

nick205 - 5/4/16 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Canada EH!
Don't do what my race crew did years ago with the paint tins.

They threw them in a 45 gallon drum we used to burn trash in.

I came home from work on the night shift and lite the barrel.

Sounded like mortars going off and cans flying in the air.

Scared the living SH*&^t out of the retired WW11 German and Canadian soldiers that lived on either side of me.

Doesn't sound good

I'd take them down the tip and dispose of properly.

balidey - 5/4/16 at 07:27 PM

Epilepsy and spray cans, the two just kind of go together don't they? *

*please don't take offence at that. Two of my kids have epilepsy, thankfully well over 2 years fit free now. but I found that having kids with it meant I was entitled to make jokes about it.... rather that let it control your life.