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Myke 2463 - 29/8/13 at 03:07 PM

Any views on the show this year ? any better ?

Wheels244 - 29/8/13 at 04:30 PM

It was 'OK'

I camped this year so had a good laugh and beer with some mates.

I don't think there was as much there as last year.

One thing all of my group remarked on was the lack of a bar and evening entertainment - I don't think you can count the 'marquee' put on by the magazine - I've seen bigger tents at Go Outdoors !

The thing that makes it worth attending for me is you get to watch the racing in with the admission price.

I'll probably go again next year.

puma931 - 29/8/13 at 09:08 PM

Agree, it was OK, but the racing was excellent. If you have kids visit everything apart from the exhibition hall and then go to Donington Park to watch the racing as kids go free. The exhibition hall this year was not that good.

Quick question... Why did the Ferrari clone have black tape over ther Ferrari badges?

ReMan - 29/8/13 at 09:22 PM


Quick question... Why did the Ferrari clone have black tape over ther Ferrari badges?

Presume as a trader they would be shot /hung/ imprisoned for infringing copyright big time

SteveMX5 - 29/8/13 at 09:23 PM

Quick question... Why did the Ferrari clone have black tape over ther Ferrari badges?

So Ferrari don't send the Mafia to "have a word"

(Or just some leach like solicitor to sue the backside off them for breach of copyright)

sky12042 - 29/8/13 at 09:44 PM

If he didn't then he would have woken up in the morning with a horses head next to him in bed.
