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Who Built Chris Mason's S2000 powered Mk Indy
chris mason - 24/3/11 at 07:35 PM

Ok, i've heard a lot of stories about my previous build and quite plainly they're not true, so before any company tries to gain work, using my car as an example of their previous work they're wrong, very wrong.

I've let this slide for quite a few years, but having heard the story again i'm typing this message out, the people who are claiming to have built it know who they are and hopefully they'll stop, if they aren't able to get business by cars of their own build then that's their problem not mine, so if you've heard a story about who built it, i can assure you that i built the car from start to finish, several companies supplied me parts and some obtained customed built parts through their supplies, utilising measurements and drawings i'd sent them.

If i sound a little pee'd off then i am , my opinion of the company itself has diminished and as such no longer promote their work, when asked.

Oh and for those wondering who i'm talking about, It's not MK Engineering, MK Sportscars or Road Runner Racing, but they're local to all 3 companies or at least they were until Road Runner Racing moved a few months back, incidently the company at fault moved premises too within the last few years.

Oh and if anyone's looking for work doing on an S2000 Powered Kit car, then you'd not go far wrong by giving Mk Sportscars a call, Steve Keenan has himself built a very nice S2000 powered Mk Indy R which has gone through a few transformations, 1st of it was standard, then it was Supercharged and now, the last i've heard it's running a minimum of 400bhp and is Turbo Charged

[Edited on 24/3/11 by chris mason]

TimC - 24/3/11 at 07:46 PM


chris mason - 24/3/11 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by TimC

You Know the story too
I wonder if a mutual friend will comment

If i'd got a tenner back for everyone who's told me the story, i'd have enough to buy another S2000 engine package

[Edited on 24/3/11 by chris mason]

Jon Ison - 24/3/11 at 08:06 PM

Chris I changed both rear wheels on your S2000 Indy at Cadwell once but thats all I claim to have done, honest.

jacko - 24/3/11 at 08:10 PM

This is unfair i touched your car one's Chris thats all Sorry

ashg - 24/3/11 at 08:13 PM

i built it but then i took it apart and let everyone have a go

sorry couldn't resist. anyone that has been around on lcb for a while knows who built it

welderman - 24/3/11 at 08:13 PM

Its a blooming shame that Chris.

All ive done was provide the storage rack and linbins you put your parts in mate, so thats me out, oh and provided some entertainment at the MK sportscars opening event on the bungie run, lol.

ReMan - 24/3/11 at 08:23 PM

I helped fund it, by buying some surplus parts from you, so I guess I part built it, but I've never told anyone. Oops.

chris mason - 24/3/11 at 08:29 PM

To be fair, all you have better claims to having built the car than the actual company that's claiming it, all they did was supply me some parts at over inflated prices, if only i knew then what i know now, i'd have saved hundreds if not thousands on the build.

Just to confirm the company in question is NOT MK Engineering, MK Sportscars or Road Runner Racing, but they're close by.

[Edited on 24/3/11 by chris mason]

Peteff - 24/3/11 at 08:41 PM

I'm Spartacus

austin man - 24/3/11 at 08:43 PM

I watched it at York and helped to push it onto the trailer, and watched it at Oulton with a big bit of brake fade bigger( then came the four pots) #

Cant think of the Company but if it is local and not MK Engineering , MK Sportscars, Roadrunner then does it begin wit an Mmmmm let me think on this one

Steve Hignett - 24/3/11 at 08:50 PM

Maybe people should keep stuff to themselves.
Alright, they definitely should
Cos it often bites you if you tell fibs...
1 time I saw your ar at Cadwell, so do I get a look in to the build diary honours?

Mad Dave - 24/3/11 at 08:59 PM

I wasn't these guys was it?


adithorp - 24/3/11 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
I'm Spartacus

I can't believe that took 10 replies to come up.

chris mason - 24/3/11 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Mad Dave
I wasn't these guys was it?


Now that made me Laugh

austin man - 24/3/11 at 09:16 PM

was it Jive Bunny

TimC - 24/3/11 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by chris mason
You Know the story too

I don't or rather didn't but I can well imagine.

welderman - 24/3/11 at 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
Maybe people should keep stuff to themselves.
Alright, they definitely should
Cos it often bites you if you tell fibs...
1 time I saw your ar at Cadwell, so do I get a look in to the build diary honours?

Ha subtle!!!

snoopy - 25/3/11 at 09:09 AM

well ime sure i must have done something to contribute somehow
maybe a copied idea somewhere along the way
o must have supplied parts so defo input
great car it was too wasn't it a credit to the builder

scootz - 25/3/11 at 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
Maybe people should keep stuff to themselves.
Alright, they definitely should
Cos it often bites you if you tell fibs...
1 time I saw your ar at Cadwell, so do I get a look in to the build diary honours?

scootz - 25/3/11 at 12:08 PM

... forgot to add that it wasn't me that built it either - although I bet I could un-build it quicker than anyone else on this forum!

Richard Quinn - 25/3/11 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by scootz
... forgot to add that it wasn't me that built it either - although I bet I could un-build it quicker than anyone else on this forum!

Buy it, un-build it and sell it again quicker than anyone else

lococost - 25/3/11 at 04:36 PM

Originally posted by chris mason
Ok, i've heard a lot of stories about my previous build and quite plainly they're not true, so before any company tries to gain work, using my car as an example of their previous work they're wrong, very wrong.

I've let this slide for quite a few years, but having heard the story again i'm typing this message out, the people who are claiming to have built it know who they are and hopefully they'll stop, if they aren't able to get business by cars of their own build then that's their problem not mine, so if you've heard a story about who built it, i can assure you that i built the car from start to finish, several companies supplied me parts and some obtained customed built parts through their supplies, utilising measurements and drawings i'd sent them.

If i sound a little pee'd off then i am , my opinion of the company itself has diminished and as such no longer promote their work, when asked.

Oh and for those wondering who i'm talking about, It's not MK Engineering, MK Sportscars or Road Runner Racing, but they're local to all 3 companies or at least they were until Road Runner Racing moved a few months back, incidently the company at fault moved premises too within the last few years.

Oh and if anyone's looking for work doing on an S2000 Powered Kit car, then you'd not go far wrong by giving Mk Sportscars a call, Steve Keenan has himself built a very nice S2000 powered Mk Indy R which has gone through a few transformations, 1st of it was standard, then it was Supercharged and now, the last i've heard it's running a minimum of 400bhp and is Turbo Charged

I build Chris Masons car.
How obvious can a post be!