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Opinions on this TIG please.
DIY Si - 28/8/12 at 04:36 PM

Can those who know best about these sort of things have a look at this please? Are Licoln Electric the quite good Lincolc welders I think they are? Or am I confusing myself? I'm looking for a cheap(er) way into TIG welding as it's something I've always fancied doing, and now have the go ahead to buy a welder.

eBay Item

If not this unit, any advice on a new HF start machine? Not too sure what budget I can get away with, but probably £500 MAX.

Simon - 28/8/12 at 06:35 PM

We have a Lincoln Electric TIG at work. Great bit of kit but it was about £3.5k 5 years ago.



DIY Si - 28/8/12 at 06:51 PM

Go on then, who contacted him and made him end it early?!

slingshot2000 - 28/8/12 at 07:06 PM

Hasn't he just re-listed it; eBay Item ?

llionellis - 28/8/12 at 07:24 PM

Good machine, but of limited use for home as 415 volt single phase

Dualist - 28/8/12 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by llionellis
Good machine, but of limited use for home as 415 volt single phase

If your mega friendly with your neighbour maybe you could ask him if he could throw over an extension from his house so you could use his live with yours to get it working

(seeing as every house taps off one phase off a 3ph cable right outside your house).

DIY Si - 28/8/12 at 08:43 PM

MMmm, just seen the re-listed item with the 415V single phase bit. Makes it not practical, but never mind.

omega 24 v6 - 28/8/12 at 10:38 PM

415V single phase ????????

dave r - 29/8/12 at 05:30 AM

more 2 phase than single... a lot of welders are like that

bartonp - 29/8/12 at 08:05 AM

415 wired between phases.
415 wired phase-neutral would be 240...

omega 24 v6 - 29/8/12 at 09:13 AM

My point exactly. It is not single phase and as such is useless in a domestic dwelling ( unless you are a lucky beggar )

DIY Si - 29/8/12 at 04:10 PM

Oh well, I've gone and bought a new but shop soiled R- Tech 160A DC TIG for £300 instead! I would prefer an AC/DC TIG, but I just don't think I'll use it anywhere near enough to justify the much greater outlay. Just need some gas and filler rods now. Any suggestions on cheap/best sources for mild and SS rods?