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Electrical problem
sky12042 - 29/4/14 at 03:15 PM

I'm a complete novice when it comes to electrics and I have a problem, lights, when I switch onto side lights all ok, then on dipped on the near side light I get both high and low beam and side light goes dim, if I flick onto high beam I still get high and low with a dim side light.

Checked the bulb all ok there, no wires I can see have come loose, any idea. I'm guessing some sort of short but where do I look.

Cheers for any help


whitestu - 29/4/14 at 03:30 PM

Sounds like a bad earth to me. Try earthing the lights directly back to the battery negative. f they work fine then the earth is your culprit.


gremlin1234 - 29/4/14 at 03:50 PM

yep classic bad earth,

sky12042 - 29/4/14 at 04:04 PM

Ok on checking the earth I've moved the wires around the earth and it came on correctly, even when the earth was disconnected it still worked but if I moved the cables a little bit it went bad again, I'm going to have to undo the wiring a little to investigate.

Cheers for the help
