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Fury chassis measurements
scotty g - 9/2/19 at 11:12 AM

Hi all,
i aquired a full Fury body set last year and i'm looking at ways to fit it onto a Locost chassis or something similar, ive taken a few measurements for comparison but if anyone has full Fury chassis drawings and sizes that would be handy. Especially the distance from floor to top of upper side rail?
I already know i need to shorten the wheel base by 4" ( or lengthen the body work by 4" to get the lengths equal.

tims31 - 10/2/19 at 08:32 PM

If you let me know what dimensions you need I can have a look on my chassis and try and measure although some dimensions may be hard to reach with the body fitted.

rufus357 - 10/2/19 at 09:18 PM

I’ve got a Bare fury chassis so can take any photos or measurements you need?

scotty g - 19/2/19 at 07:51 PM

Thanks for the assistance guys.
After getting some more measurements i have decided it will probably be easier and probably more practical to keep the chassis standard and stretch the bodywork by 4". I'm thinking i'll stretch the bonnet just forward of where it meets the scuttle area and the side pods to match, seems like that will be the easiest point to blend it all in together.