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Robin hood 2b+ unregistered
Cheesey931 - 9/5/24 at 12:51 PM

Hi, all i have bought a Robinhood 2b+ but it is unregistered no v5 no paperwork no chassis number, etc., and on checking it is a wiring nightmare, so I plan to strip it down to a rolling chassis and rebuild with a build diary of pics so I can register on a Q plate.

is this something anyone has done or heard of!!!!!

in need of help and advice

loggyboy - 9/5/24 at 01:54 PM

Sounds very normal to be honest. Been done many times - anything else you think makes it unusual?

nick205 - 9/5/24 at 02:25 PM

Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Several on here have bought part built/nearly finished kits, stripped them down and rebuilt. From your description it sounds like you'll have to go through the IVA and registering process once finished.

Cheesey931 - 9/5/24 at 02:40 PM

Hi Thanks for the response, the thing I am worried most about is the paperwork and build proof for the IVA as I have heard that you need to have proof of the build from start to finish with photos and engine age, as my engine number has been painted over but I believe it is a sierra 2.0 pinto efi



Slimy38 - 9/5/24 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Cheesey931
Hi Thanks for the response, the thing I am worried most about is the paperwork and build proof for the IVA as I have heard that you need to have proof of the build from start to finish with photos and engine age, as my engine number has been painted over but I believe it is a sierra 2.0 pinto efi



You're stripping it down and rebuilding it, with a build diary? I think that'll be fine for proof of build.

Could you remove the engine paint to see if there is some evidence of a number on there? I'd suggest some chemical remover rather than something like an angry grinder of course.

Dingz - 9/5/24 at 07:14 PM

Join the Rhocar site, you’ll find all you need on there Robin Hood Owners Club and Register

Cheesey931 - 10/5/24 at 08:04 AM

@Slimy38 thanks i will try once i have all the body panels off and can get to it a bit easier.


nick205 - 10/5/24 at 08:17 AM

Slimy38 makes good comments that

1. Your rebuild with plenty of photo evidence should cover what you need.
2. Chemical paint removal on the engine block will probably reveal an engine number.