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Dorset Meet??
JimGTI - 9/4/08 at 04:44 PM

Hi Guys,

i'm new to the club and locost ownership and just wondering if there is a regular (or irregular) meet in Dorset??



charlierevell - 9/4/08 at 04:56 PM

Where are you in Dorset?

And Welcome to the family!

JimGTI - 9/4/08 at 05:53 PM

i'm in poole but don't mind travelling

gr8ging - 9/4/08 at 06:14 PM

Still building my car. Would be up for a meet when it's finished tho. What car have you got?

SALAD - 9/4/08 at 07:24 PM

Closest would be the New Forest meets.

Second Tuesday of the month (last night) at The Sir John Barleycorn - Old Romsey Road, Cadnam, Hampshire, SO40 2NP

bob - 9/4/08 at 07:57 PM

I'm in Blandford forum about 4 or 5 times a year, not sure if mrs bob would be happy about me trotting off for another meet but ho hum i'll try if its local to the area.

Too late this visit as i am travelling down tomorow but maybe another time.

DorsetStrider - 9/4/08 at 08:21 PM

I'm in Poole as well.

Still building my car but would definately be up for it if someone did start organising meets.

keithice - 9/4/08 at 11:58 PM

I also live in Poole, the Wessex Kit Car club already have a regular meet in dorset at the Chequers pub in Lytchet Matravers every first sunday in the month, the're a good bunch and don't be afraid to turnup in a tin top... having said all this, the next meet at chequers will be in september due to events schedule... they will be at stoneliegh so if your there come up and say hi...

charlierevell - 10/4/08 at 09:55 AM

We'll be down your way at somepoint this year as we decided it would be a good blat from Taunton to Bournemouth for a weekend (Would have done the sunseeker rally but other stuff came up)
Quite fancy sandbanks on a nice warm day! See who get more attention, nutters in sevens or the more expensive stuff!

JimGTI - 10/4/08 at 06:31 PM

wow loads of responses,
- I have a Locost with a 1600 xflow on weber twin 40s and fast road cam. Had it set up last saturday and it made 120hp

- Blandford is not far so if your down i'm always about

- I was down at Sandbanks last night in then, went across the chain ferry and had fish and chips in Swanage. I love topless driving... (and driving cars without roofs!!)

- thanks for the info about the New Forest meets I'll try and get along to one next month

- everyone in Poole who is building one... get it done so we can have our own meet!! ) i am willing to help organise one if people are interested.....

wheezy - 11/4/08 at 10:19 AM

I would be interested in a meet in Dorset sometime just keep me posted. Anywhere between Poole and weymouth would be ideal.


DorsetStrider - 11/4/08 at 02:45 PM

Can I suggest that if someone wants to arrange regular dorset meets that all are welcome.

That way those with kit cars can come and show off their handy work, while those who are still building or just thinking about building their first kit can come along in thier tin tops and see what the kit cars are like and we can show what a friendly bunch we are.

wheezy - 11/4/08 at 08:05 PM

Sounds like a cunning plan. Now we just need to decide where and when.


JimGTI - 12/4/08 at 08:30 PM

Ok guys I will take a lead and how about we aim for next sunday as the first official Dorset meet?

any suggestions for a meeting place? a pub would be good so we can get a drink and maybe a bite to eat?

DorsetStrider - 12/4/08 at 10:25 PM

how about one of the pubs on Poole Quay? Nice setting for the locosts

Or there is a Pub in Lychett Matravers that would be nice and easy for everyone to get to as it's just off the Upton Bypass?

Just a couple of suggestions.

JimGTI - 12/4/08 at 11:09 PM

the pub off the bypass is the bakers arms... nice and easy, on a main route and not too much in the way of small annoying chavs around either...

if everyone is happy with this 12.30pm sunday 20th?

JimGTI - 12/4/08 at 11:15 PM

as an aside i have just noticed that the 1st friday in every month is open top sports cars on the quay on Poole car... i'll be there

DorsetStrider - 13/4/08 at 04:42 PM

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend if it's a sunday afternoon...

Unfortunately I work sundays till 5pm at Halfrauds (ringwood road).

Hope you all have a great time thou.

JimGTI - 13/4/08 at 06:46 PM

ok how about we make at an evening event saves tieing up peoples weekends?

Halfords?? club discount anyone lol I only live down the road next to Poole College

DorsetStrider - 13/4/08 at 07:02 PM

I'd definately be up for an evening meet.

I'll have a word with my manager about that discount next time I'm working

wheezy - 14/4/08 at 08:27 AM

Sundays are a no go for me till the end of the rugby season in 3 weeks time. I could be up for an evening meet (weather permitting) next week.

JimGTI - 14/4/08 at 11:43 PM

looks like weekends aren't to popular, no worries..... evening it is then..... next week maybe tuesday???

DorsetStrider - 17/4/08 at 09:15 PM

I can do any evening (including weekends) except Mondays and Thursdays.

Furry - 18/4/08 at 01:00 AM

small world dorset stryder, i also live in poole and in the process of a build. i also worked for halfords so tell steve not to be tight with the potential club discount.
let me know when everyones meeting up i will try and make it.

DorsetStrider - 18/4/08 at 01:01 AM

At the moment it's looking like Tuesday evening at the bakers arms.

DorsetStrider - 20/4/08 at 06:33 PM

Anymore news on the prospect of a meet?

wheezy - 21/4/08 at 07:04 AM

I wont be able to make it this week due to work commitments
How many are planning to go this week?


DorsetStrider - 21/4/08 at 07:34 PM


JimGTI - 22/4/08 at 10:10 AM

i'll be there too!!! is 7pm ok for everyone (the two of us so far....)

JimGTI - 22/4/08 at 08:38 PM

Well, only two of us turned up but still its a start!! Great to meet James and hear about his work in progress... sounds like its going to be a great car when its finished

Hopefully a few more will turn up next time.

Next friday 2nd May is convertible sports cars on the Quay. I'll be there so come and say hi..........................

DorsetStrider - 23/4/08 at 12:39 PM

As Jim says only 2 of us turned up, however as my senile grandfather used to say "from little acorns do might oaks grow". I'm not quite sure what tree's have to do with kit car meets but there we go.

Was great meeting Jim and chinwagging about kit cars. Hopefully next time a few more will turn up.