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Mounting panels on tunnel
fimi7 - 7/12/12 at 03:23 PM

This is really a request for pics. I am about to start mounting the plastic panels from MK to my tunnel and wanted to see how others have done it.

I see a few with the Ali strips running on each side, but would love to see how its mounted underneath.

-matt - 7/12/12 at 04:11 PM

I used a couple of riv nuts onto the chassis tubes.

whitestu - 7/12/12 at 04:21 PM

On mine the side panels were riveted with large head rivets to the chassis rails and on top screwed down using countersunk self tappers and the ali angle from MK.

You can just about see it here



big-vee-twin - 7/12/12 at 04:52 PM

Sides will be tiger seal and pop rivets.

Top will be riv-nuts and pan head Allen screws. The top has been shaped to have radius on top edges.

Sides and top will be covered in Di-Noc.

[img] Tunnel construction
Tunnel construction

fimi7 - 10/12/12 at 06:43 AM

Thanks, that helps