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engine revs
roohunter - 17/11/13 at 09:03 PM

Hi Folks
Bit of a strange one , so here goes,,,
How do you stand for theIVA If you have an engine that has been built to achieve its power at a lower rpm than if standard ? Do they still take is been a standard engine for the test or can you have a letter from the engine builder to show ( supercharged zetec )
Cheers all

madteg - 17/11/13 at 09:16 PM

From memory they only take it up to 4000rpm anyway. So no problem.

adithorp - 17/11/13 at 09:32 PM

On the IVA form you tell them the revs at which the engine makes max' power. This is ONLY used to calculate the revs at which they do the noise test (3/4 of that figure).

If you don't give them a max power revs figure then they do the noise test at 2/3rds of max revs.

If your figure is noticeably low compared to others they've seen you might be asked to explan and a letter from the engine builder might help.

snapper - 18/11/13 at 01:33 PM

A supercharged Zetec may cause more noise from the charger than the exhaust at noise check
Be aware of this

roohunter - 18/11/13 at 03:23 PM

Thanks for that ,i didnt think about that ? this could be a complicated job !!!
