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MSVA Documentation
Pulsar - 3/10/07 at 07:04 AM

I'm after a recent copy of the MSVA documentation. If anyone has a copy (or even the original) they're willing to sell me for less than the extorsionate rate the government is selling it for, I'd appreciate it.

How long is this document and does it contain any nasty surprises?

Confused but excited. - 3/10/07 at 09:22 AM

It's free!


iank - 3/10/07 at 09:27 AM

That's the SVA manual.

MSVA (Motorcycle SVA) isn't available anywhere in a bootleg pdf AFAIK.

another_dom - 3/10/07 at 01:33 PM

I recently purchased a copy of the MSVA manual (a little begrudgingly)!

Actually its very good. Printed on waterproof paper and neatly presented in a folder with nice little index dividers. Its about an inch 'long'!

As for nasty surprises, it is similar to the car manual in that a lot is down to interpretation.

I'm afraid mine is not yet available for sale, but should be within the next 2 months (fingers crossed)! If there are any specific concerns I can let you know what it says?


Pulsar - 3/10/07 at 02:44 PM

Thanks for the offer. I know what you mean, though; this information should really be public domain. There's no real justification for a £30 fee in this day and age.

I don't know as there's anything specific I can think of. At least not without ending up with a list a mile long...thanks everyone.

jamesalx - 1/11/07 at 01:24 PM

Any luck on finding a bootleg copy? I'm after one.

Pulsar - 17/11/07 at 03:18 PM

Yes, I've got one from someone else on the forum. Nothing online, though, I'm afraid.