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Plastic Nut Covers
Ian Jones - 21/1/14 at 09:35 PM

as above, after looking at people pictures on here today, I have just noticed that my car has none of the plastic nut covers.

does anyone have any please (black) im not sure on the size that I would need, ir how many tbh, ts on a aries locoblade


like this ch&sa=X&ei=zefeUs6EF-ry7AaCmICoCg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=955#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=jCrTpGp30zPnyM%253A%3B0vip9luHaE

kj - 21/1/14 at 09:47 PM

You can get them at maplin

daveb666 - 21/1/14 at 09:53 PM

I got a selection tub from eBay of various sizes for a tenner.

Daddylonglegs - 21/1/14 at 10:24 PM

I might have some going spare. I am selling my Locost so won't be needing any spare.

If I find them and you are still looking I will stick them in the post for you

Scuzzle - 22/1/14 at 05:38 PM

For long enough I was bothered by mice in the barn where my car lives and all the dome parts of every single plastic nut cover was gnawed through, they never bothered with anything else.

I just got the assorted ones off Ebay.