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NAS trouble
Jasper - 7/9/12 at 09:26 AM

Ok, so I bought my first DLink NAS box a few weeks ago, and loaded it with two slow spin Barracuda 2TB drives set up as a RAID. I bought it to manage my downloads which come through via a separate media centre PC. Problem is the PC keeps 'loosing' the NAS when it's downloading, so I get an error 'Can't find the specified drive'. When I click on the drive in explorer it takes about 20 secs to find it again (green bar along the top) and then it's fine. But I can't leave it to download a file direct to the NAS, I have to download it to the PC first.

Is there anything I can't do to stop the NAS being temporarily 'lost' on the network? It's a total pain as I've only got a small SDD in the media PC, I got the NAS to store all the downloads on.

MikeFellows - 7/9/12 at 10:08 AM

wifi or wired connection?

static ip's or DHCP?

britishtrident - 7/9/12 at 11:26 AM

Agree with above questions.

Wired connection with assigned/static IP is way to ---- assign an IP to the NAS in the router control panel, set the NAS up to use this IP and then add an entry to host file on the PC.

Jasper - 7/9/12 at 11:57 AM

Yes, all wired, but not static IP.

Is adding a static IP address relatively straightforward? I seem to remember something in the set-up wizard about static IP. Do I need to get one from somewhere or can I just ask it to assign one?

As you can see I have enough PC knowledge to get me into trouble, but not out of it again!!

Thanks chaps

SteveWalker - 7/9/12 at 12:44 PM

Presumably your router is issuing IP addresses via DHCP. Your router should allow you to specify an address to link to the NAS box's MAC address and from then on it will always give it the same address - saves having to set up a static address on the box and telling the router not to issue that address to anything else.

RichardK - 7/9/12 at 01:01 PM

Check the firmware version on the nas box, dlink tend to release updates quite often so double check with there website, just get the latest and greatest on.

