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Back after a few years away...
gavin174 - 27/1/19 at 03:12 PM

Afternoon all.

Ive been out in th kitcar wilderness for a few years now..

Lost my mojo, had no real interest in working on my kits..

Was concentrating on my short oval race car, helping a mate with his race team and getting engaged...

But now ive tidied the workshop (sort of), and going to get back at it...

MikeR - 27/1/19 at 03:42 PM

Excellent plan. Keep us updated. It will hopefully inspire me to get back in the garage.

So what's the plan?

Charlie_Zetec - 27/1/19 at 10:32 PM

Welcome back!

gavin174 - 27/1/19 at 10:48 PM

Thank you Charles..

How are you..

We need a catch up!!