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Flying 3!
quinnj3 - 31/7/06 at 12:05 PM

Ok is this a car forum or what? Just thought that i'd put up this link to the red bull air race website. Seen this show in Tipperary last year, weather was bad but what these guys do to aeroplanes i previously only thought was possible in models. They are pulling 10 or 11 g's in these things in the tightest turns. Really impressive!

not another aeroplane link!

[Edited on 31/7/06 by quinnj3]

David Jenkins - 31/7/06 at 12:07 PM

Your link doesn't work - not enough wubblewes - try this one


[Edited on 31/7/06 by David Jenkins]

quinnj3 - 31/7/06 at 12:10 PM

thanks for that link now fixed

donut - 31/7/06 at 01:33 PM

They do that in London apparently!

skydivepaul - 31/7/06 at 02:12 PM

I have got my ticket for this yars red bull air race. its at Longleat park and it costs £35.00 per car (up to 8 people).
looking forward to it, these guys are nutters.

Mark18 - 31/7/06 at 05:40 PM

Went to see them in tipp too, we didn't have to come from nearly as far as Omagh though. I remember the dreaful weather meant there was only 20 mins of action - can't say I was disappointed though it was utterly amazing, we had a great spot too, the planes went into a vertical climb right over our heads!


quinnj3 - 31/7/06 at 07:07 PM

I we went down for the weekend and were standing close to the control tower. Got a really nice B&B in Tipp itself. Although the weather was s**** we had a good time. The way those aeroplanes were pitched and rolled was worth standing in the rain and to cap it all off the tickets were free!