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what a good place to live HULL
motivation cars - 13/4/08 at 01:41 AM

finaly had a weekend off from work and what happenned bottle over my head in a night club and two hours in er

colt_mivec - 13/4/08 at 05:41 AM

I live local to you and i dont go out in my local town anymore (Scunthorpe) we stay local or go to Lincoln.

You can't just go out anymore and have a good time as theres to many ars*'s looking for a fight at the end of the night with anyone that walks past

eznfrank - 13/4/08 at 06:32 AM

I've been over to Hull a couple of times on a night out and despite not being easily intimidated I've always noticed a bit of an edge, i certainly wouldn't go again!

That said, wherever you go nowadays there's always some 9 stone wet through c*ck smoker who thinks smacking someone from behind makes him king of the town.

graememk - 13/4/08 at 06:57 AM

i was out in town (boston) last weekend when we were started on by some chavs, lucky that my mate got the 1st blow in and the name calling back to front hat wearing chav was layed out cold on the floor, the rest of his mates lost there voices.

national service i say.

[Edited on 13/4/08 by graememk]

mookaloid - 13/4/08 at 07:07 AM

Originally posted by graememk

national service i say.

[Edited on 13/4/08 by graememk]

I'll second that

LBMEFM - 13/4/08 at 07:22 AM

Is all this aggression and violence due to the pressure of society? Too many laws telling us what to do and when to do it, yet very few on the beat coppers to enforce them or confront anti social behaviour. Tax upon tax upon tax, rip off energy prices, fat cat directors who get multi million pound pay out's for cocking up companies, lying MP's, kids copying so called celebs disgusting examples, many confrontational TV programs with arrogant and rude presenters, watched in our every move by CCTV. Told we are all going to die from global warming. Made to feel guilty for everything we do like driving our cars, creating too much waste when it's the shops that provide the waste in over packaging and non-reusable containers. House prices that our children will never be able to afford. No real employer loyalty or proper trades or apprenticeships available, local pubs being forced out of existence. The goverment is making this country a miserable place to exist in its little wonder that society is like it is. At the age of 56 I feel more disgruntled and annoyed with the world than I have ever been, or maybe I am just a grumpy old man. Anyway I try to keep above it and stay positive, thank god for a good wife, reasonable income, nice area to live in, good pubs and friends and of course motor sport and kit cars. Try to stay happy everyone, come the revolution!


Jon Ison - 13/4/08 at 07:38 AM


Cant agree with much of that I'm afraid, most of it simply comes from knowing the difference between right and wrong ?

Most of knowing the difference between right and wrong starts at home doesnt it ?

When little bobbys parents go into school and rip into a teacher for telling him off because he set fire to little sallys coat in science class that sets a great example ?

Sure its all the politicians fault, whatever party you pin your colours on.

Sorry but people need to take responsibility for their own actions and those of their offspring.

zilspeed - 13/4/08 at 07:46 AM

Howlor - 13/4/08 at 07:48 AM

Been out in Hull plenty but I wouldn't say it is any worse than any where else. Yes there are your obvious Chav pubs were trouble is easy to kick off. Theold town though is generally a better class and you dont tend to see the same issues.

I think the tension in Hull though seems to stem from the influx of immigrants which I think has happened in many places.


saigonij - 13/4/08 at 08:07 AM

everywhere in this country is a sh*t hole. kids and early 20 year olds ( actually, even my generation ) are not taught respect - its all about you and doing what "you want" - your rules, your way - dont think or care about anyone else but yourselves - we live in a selfish society where you think bout yourself.

cant wait to move to france.

graememk - 13/4/08 at 08:11 AM

i think nearly every dock town can be the same to be honest.

trouble is a lack of respect from the 25's and below, i think 6 months national service would sort it out, i'm not saying you have to join the army but just working in the comunity in which you live, picking up rubish duty, working along side the nhs, looking after local parks and gardens etc, i also think that long time unemplyed should also put something back into there comunity,this would give you a greater understanding of respect for yourself and others, however i'm glad i didnt have to do it.

Davey D - 13/4/08 at 08:13 AM

I used to go out in to scunthorpe from being 18 (10 years ago) up until about 6 years ago. Then i started going out to Hull, and Lincoln. I always had a good time, and there always seemed to be less trouble than what i see now. I now live in Grimsby, and there are always loads of idiots around.. especially in Cleethorpes... one of the reasons i dont bother going out there

owelly - 13/4/08 at 08:44 AM

I've had a few nights out in 'Ull and not had any bother. I've also had a few nights out in Newcastle and never even seen any bother. It could be because I'm so rubber-legged that I don't notice it..........

nitram38 - 13/4/08 at 08:54 AM

All I can say is Parents don't give a damn, teachers are powerless to chastise and the Police are only interested in the Big crimes like Murder. The prisons are too overcrowded for any other crimes.
Coppers used to scare the Cr*p out of me when I was a kid, now all I see are the "community" police who are supposed to be the "link" to the real police.
Well I have been working on my cars (which don't exactly look conventional) and not one "community" police officer has ever stopped to have a chat.
My next door neighbour's daughter is on a tag for stealing cars and my car got damaged by two boys fighting.
She was seen on my cctv high five one of these boys and walk off arm in arm yet she does not know them!
Her Mother asked what it had to do with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the sort of scum that used to be dealt with by the local bobby. Now it is left to us.
6 weeks ago a 19 year old was stabbed and died a few days later (I have not seen this on one of the statistics on the TV) and they got the bloke who did it.
The police asked me for a look at my cctv recorder and asked to take it away, because they are looking for others who may been involved.
That was 4 weeks ago.
I have been ringing to get my security system back and they tell me they haven't copyed it yet.
What a joke, the case is being dragged out and I have no camera cover!
Next time I will say the camera is broken

ruskino80 - 13/4/08 at 09:13 AM

hope your injurys are not to bad.

graememk - 13/4/08 at 10:29 AM

Originally posted by ruskino80
hope your injurys are not to bad.

yeah come on lets see the damage

JimGTI - 13/4/08 at 10:59 AM

I think there has been a few sweeping generalisations (excuse spelling) about the ages here, i am only 25 and have managed to avoid fighting pretty much my whole life, my brother is 21 and he too avoids it. I

would agree with the people who say it starts at home because regardless of age there are twats in every generation, fighting is not new, ask your grandparents.

i think there is just a general lack of respect in the whole country. This then gets passed down through generations and is embedded in society.

So i don't agree its a sudden age related thing, just more disrespecting losers have had kids (usually lots) and that breeds a population of mentality challenged people. rant over.

JoelP - 13/4/08 at 12:31 PM

we need a parenting license.

jacko - 13/4/08 at 03:53 PM

Hi Joe hope you are ok its not very good in A&E on a Saturday night is it all wee heads and druggies
by the way is the bbq on this year

motivation cars - 13/4/08 at 06:59 PM

well no lasting damage got to go tomorrow to view cct footage to point then out what good it will do