posted on 3/12/17 at 07:37 AM |
Tempted back, anyone seen my old Aries Locoblade?
Hi all, it’s been quite a while since I built my car (2007/2008) and as it’s nearly ten years it has driven me to want to find out if it’s alive and
well, I sold the car shortly after completing it due to family and work but have regretted it ever since. It was yellow reg number Q210LAG. Garage
projects have been slow unfortunately but I have now nearly finished a mini Morgan three wheeler that I am building for my sons and it has rekindled
the desire to get building again. I’ll try to add some pictures of loco...
posted on 3/12/17 at 07:43 AM |
Pic attached... hopefully
posted on 3/12/17 at 07:45 AM |
posted on 3/12/17 at 07:53 AM |
According to DVLA your old car is still taxed & on the road
Has a full MOT history so looks like it has not been laid up for any amount of time.
A very good looking build ![](/images//smilies/cool.gif)
[Edited on 3/12/17 by bonzoronnie]
posted on 3/12/17 at 07:55 AM |
Great thanks for that sounds promising then