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Author: Subject: Getting fit(ter)

posted on 15/1/09 at 12:36 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I eat absolutely masses of food and mostly all the wrong stuff like choco (currently munching my way though some chocolate coated walnuts ...2731kj/100g yeah ha! and that 200g bag will only last till lunch time) and cakes (must have cream in them ), drink about 4 pints of milk a day too. I have a 31 inch waste and am 5ft 5inchs. This pi$$es off missy greatly as she has only to lick a bit of chocolate and she’ll put on weight

How do I get away with this nonsense? cos I'm riding my push bike everywhere (rucksack of shopping on my back), or walking the dogs and keep this up till 2am in the morning working on the cars or house, off to bed then up at 5am to start all over again. Crazy but I'm just burning up all those calories to keep going.

Got to use what you put in.

[Edited on 15/1/09 by Mr Whippy]

Be careful of your cholesterol levels. You may be burning the cals and feeling fit but you could well be risking high "bad" LDL cholesterol or low "good" HDL cholesterol.

- Jim

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posted on 15/1/09 at 12:47 PM Reply With Quote
I have given up choc, sweets, cake, crisps, nuts, biscuits till end of Feb,

Currently 16stone 7lds and 6'5", aiming for 15 stone

Cant excercise much at present due to back injury.

In the past swimming, rowing, cycling with a bit of running.

First three are non load bearing, and the first 2 do your upper and lower body.

When you eat is important as large meals late at night will be more likely to be stored by your body as fat. Try and eat main meal at lunch time.

If weight isn't falling off, be honest with yourself about how big a portion or how many snacks you are having.

Finally if you need motivation remember, loosing 1 & 1/2 stone (9.54kg) saves you money.

Triming 9.5 kg of the weight of your car could cost thousands in expensive bits of exotic metal and carbon fibre.

Oh and best Ergo Rowing time I have managed for 2k is 6min 35 sec
[Edited on 15/1/09 by Stantman]

[Edited on 15/1/09 by Stantman]

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posted on 15/1/09 at 12:50 PM Reply With Quote
In the same position as you! but have entered the north run to give me a goal! (ran 3 marathons and countles half marathons 10 of 15 years ago! nothing feels as good as the first time you cross the line at london!) have started to put my fat body through its paces on the Wii fitand will progress to runs and bike rides as my cardio system gets better! still can't beleave I've put on 5 stone and turned fat! but i have!!!!
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posted on 15/1/09 at 01:01 PM Reply With Quote
Hmm i like that Army Workout website. I registered and will give it a try .... I just need to find the motivation
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posted on 15/1/09 at 01:05 PM Reply With Quote
Oooh Errr!!.

I'm 5ft 10" and 20 Stone. Namely I'm a Bat F'stard., with high Blood pressure, and elevated blood glucose levels. I have Sleep Apnoea (and being treated for it).

I only managed to put on 4Lb over Xmas, which is the best year ever! And have almost managed to loose that.

Start with gentle exercise, and work up over a period of a few weeks. All out exercise for fat people who have never exercised could be dangerous.

A sensible diet, Cut out the carbs, eat Wholemeal bread instead.
Stack up on the Veggies, and less spuds.
Cut down the fried stuff.
Avoid the Takeaways and Donner Kebabs.
A good breakfast to start the day and get your systems working.

Its all to easy to put on weight and so damn difficult to loose it. Especially when you get to 55+ years old.

Why the hell do you think I NEED a Viento

1. The point of a journey is not to arrive.
2. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

Best Regards

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posted on 15/1/09 at 01:48 PM Reply With Quote
jimgiblett must have a tape worm and eat two mant E's
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posted on 15/1/09 at 02:29 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by tomblyth
jimgiblett must have a tape worm and eat two mant E's

If I have got worms they are on strike cos I'm 95kg (15st) and 5'10"

I am loosing pounds at the gym (approx £35 a month)

- Jim

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posted on 15/1/09 at 05:59 PM Reply With Quote
I'm a bit late to this thread.

At my heaviest, I have been 19 stone, but mostly averagted 17.5 stone.
Last July I noticed that I was down to 16.5 stone without trying. After working out why, I realised that I was doing nothing more than eating what I need and being as active as I want to be. That means working on the car, doing a bit of DIY, marshalling at an event. Nothing too strenuous.

Keep reading, it's worth it.

After the discovery that I had lost a stone without trying, I decided to try.
Stuck to a small breakfast, small lunch, dinner diet. Nothing else. Diet drinks, tea or coffee as you please, no treats. That was my diet from July to December of last year.

By Christmas I was 12 stone 11 lbs. I am 6 foot 2 inches.

I am currently maintaining within 3 or 4 lbs of that weight with ease and have gone from 40 inches to 32-34 inches wiast.

Honestly, it's dead easy. Move about a bit, keep active and eat like this.

Light breakfast.

light lunch.

Same dinner as the family.

Nothing more.

Diet drinks and tea / coffee as you please.

If I can lose 4 1/2 stone this way without trying, anyone can.

Incedentally, I ate bread :-)

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posted on 15/1/09 at 06:20 PM Reply With Quote
Hmmm sounds like I have to ditch the Maltese Bread and order my Kit. lol

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posted on 15/1/09 at 06:20 PM Reply With Quote
"When you eat is important as large meals late at night will be more likely to be stored by your body as fat. Try and eat main meal at lunch time."

I believe that has recently been proven to be wrong (i'm sure i read it on the bbc) - which i'm glad about as your digestive system must be blooming amazing at knowing what time of day it is otherwise.

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posted on 15/1/09 at 06:24 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by MikeR
"When you eat is important as large meals late at night will be more likely to be stored by your body as fat. Try and eat main meal at lunch time."

I believe that has recently been proven to be wrong (i'm sure i read it on the bbc) - which i'm glad about as your digestive system must be blooming amazing at knowing what time of day it is otherwise.

Totally agree.

Your intake over the 24hr period is more important then where in the day you eat.
I grew to actually like that slightly hungry feeling unbelievable as it may sound. If you feel slightly peckish, your body has to go into the stores for extra energy. Worked for me.

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richard thomas

posted on 15/1/09 at 09:00 PM Reply With Quote
White wine diet.....

One bottle of dry (less calories than sweet) white wine per evening. Eat nothing all day - drink bottle of wine on an empty stomach in the evening, you'll soon forget you're hungry, and mostly everything else for that matter!! In the morning you won't feel like eating...drink as much water as you like though.

Seriously though, I can drop weight like mad if I lose the bread and spuds, and beer. Easy to do once you get in the swing of's a much lighter version of the atkins I suppose.

Still drink the wine though.

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posted on 16/1/09 at 11:29 AM Reply With Quote
A year ago I was over 14.5 stone - I'm 41 and 6'2"- and over a 34 " waist, since then I started to cycle to work during the summer and have gone back to clubbing every other week. 4-5 hours of hard dancing and I'm now a 32" inch waist, under 12.5 stone and fitter than I've ever been. Just had my cholestoerol checked and it's very low too.

So my advice is go clubbing regularly - works for me Great fun (the wife loves it too), you can get drunk, check out the ladies and loose weight!!!

BTW - I drink a pint of fresh fruit smoothy for breakfast (homemade with added protein powder) sandwich for lunch, occasionial afternoon cake, and a good quality but not low-fat dinner. Basically I eat what i enjoy.

[Edited on 16/1/09 by Jasper]

If you're not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room.

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posted on 16/1/09 at 11:59 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Jasper
A year ago I was over 14.5 stone - I'm 41 and 6'2"- and over a 34 " waist, since then I started to cycle to work during the summer and have gone back to clubbing every other week. 4-5 hours of hard dancing and I'm now a 32" inch waist, under 12.5 stone and fitter than I've ever been. Just had my cholestoerol checked and it's very low too.

So my advice is go clubbing regularly - works for me Great fun (the wife loves it too), you can get drunk, check out the ladies and loose weight!!!

BTW - I drink a pint of fresh fruit smoothy for breakfast (homemade with added protein powder) sandwich for lunch, occasionial afternoon cake, and a good quality but not low-fat dinner. Basically I eat what i enjoy.

[Edited on 16/1/09 by Jasper]

Clubbing ?

WTF is clubbing ?

Does it involve baby seals and stuff like that ?

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posted on 16/1/09 at 12:08 PM Reply With Quote
This is going to sound patronising but it isnt. Trick is to eat less calories than you are using. Aim to lose weight slowly by being healthy and exercising moderately. Easier to keep it off that way.

Now the hard part - how do you know what calories you need so you can take less in?? All i can suggest is having a look on the Concept 2 website as they have some excellent guides. They are related mainly to using rowing machines (and fantastic kit they are too) but the calory guides are rather good.

After that you can work out what main foods cost (in calories) to give you an idea what to eat and what to avoid.

I recall a can of beer was approx 300 calories so you dont need many to take you over the top.

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posted on 16/1/09 at 12:21 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by sprouts-car

I do mainly cardio activities - around 10km on the exercise bike (takes 20-25 mins at a moderate pace)... around 3-4km rowing (takes around 8-10 mins) and then 15-20 mins on the treadmill at just below jogging speed... then for the last thousand metres I'll jog it.

That makes a split of 1:15, the world record 2k is only at 1:24.1, you must be bloody good

Yip - that is silly fast. My fastest 2000m sprint was 8:30 ish and i was gasping like a fish out of water afterwards.

Joking aside i find rowing is good. Once technique is right and you have heart rate monitor connected up its surprising how slow you can go to maintain a good fat burning routine.

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posted on 16/1/09 at 04:30 PM Reply With Quote
I'm not overweight, but I do have bad joints. I would suggest doing some biking first to strengthen your knees before jogging. It's low impact and makes a huge difference in preventing knee pain. Also when biking run your saddle (seat) at a low height. I do mountain biking and have my seat low so it doesn't hit me in the nuts on the fun parts. It really builds the muscles around your knees when you have the seat low. Also take the weight off your important bits

Hands down the best way to get fit and lose weight I have seen is mountain biking (or even just around the local trails). Anyone I know who does it reasonably often has to work to keep weight on. I am 6ft and uh, 12.5stone with no fat.

Heart rate monitor is also a good thing.

"Our watchword evermore shall be: The Maple Leaf Forever!"

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posted on 18/1/09 at 03:47 PM Reply With Quote

Bit slow getting back onto this - very informative.

Geoff - you make me feel good

Zil - that's a great effort!

I've finally been out for a ride on my new bike

My thighs were burning after the first 600 yds, but I managed about 6 miles of road riding at an average of about 12mph (when I was 13, I did 6 miles in 16 mins!!!!). Route is more or less a continuous upward climb (very very slight grad - about 1-500 at a guess with the last 1/4 mile a gentle downhill).

Legs were killing me when I got off - so tomorrow should be interesting. Going to do that every other evening and start taking a bit more notice of what I eat.

I don't drink, so can't give that up, but do have a couple of heaped sugars in tea and am a bit partial to biscuits and chocolate, so....

Anyway, maybe I'll do a blog



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