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Had a run out last night... with video
adithorp - 7/6/13 at 08:32 AM

Had a run out last night to test my video and remote record/stop phone app. I also wanted to see what it looked like filming from low down on the front of the bonnet. I'm quite pleased with the results but I can't decide whether it makes it look faster or more realistic. What do you think?...

matt_gsxr - 7/6/13 at 08:55 AM

Looks like "exhibit 1" to me.

mazie - 7/6/13 at 09:40 AM

Looks quick to me, I like the close to the road feel. Where did you mount the camera and what camera and recorder do you have?

Paul AS - 7/6/13 at 09:47 AM

I love that road. Its only about 5 miles from me!! If only it was a bit less bumpy on the top section! Looks great on the video though.

I like the view you get on Gran Tourismo where the camera is about a metre above and behind the car!! Work out how to do that and it would look fantastic!!

loggyboy - 7/6/13 at 10:31 AM

What camera/app is that your moving?

Originally posted by matt_gsxr
Looks like "exhibit 1" to me.

Shouldnt really be enough to prove the car or driver. However waiting 6 months (or removing the date) would be a prudent move.

[Edited on 7-6-13 by loggyboy]

sdh2903 - 7/6/13 at 11:38 AM

Looks a good run. I like the camera position.

On a side note is that your new engine in or are you back to the old one?

adithorp - 7/6/13 at 11:39 AM

It's one of my favorite bits of road both in the car and on my road bike. The top is a bit bumpy, hence the rear wheels poping off the ground in the second overtake.

The camera is a Contour GPS with their phone app. Originally it just let you alter some camera settings and use it as a view finder to set the camera position (at 1fps). The updated version gives record/stop, though not playback which is a shame.

It was mounted on the front edge of the bonnet hanging over just above the grill (I teathered it to the grill just incase). Like I said... makes it look a lot faster than it really is at only 14" off the floor plus the sound track.

High, out of car shot should be possible with a pole mount (used quite a lot by skiers) or mono-pod, gaffer tape and zip-ties.
The Contours are reknowned for wind noise, so the other thing I was testing was a mic' cover from I've made carpet and a rubber band; Heath Robinson but effective it seems.

edit... I'm back on the old engine... for now!

[Edited on 7/6/13 by adithorp]

daveb666 - 7/6/13 at 12:40 PM

5 minutes from my house once you got to Holmfirth, should have popped in for a brew

puma931 - 7/6/13 at 03:18 PM

You need to go on a trackday rather than driving that fast on a public road.

P ? - 7/6/13 at 05:20 PM

20mins away great area for a spirited drive

keith777 - 7/6/13 at 05:41 PM

Reminds me of the old PASA days !!

sdh2903 - 7/6/13 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by puma931
You need to go on a trackday rather than driving that fast on a public road.

Really? from my view and hearing engine note it wasnt flat out, camera location makes things look quicker. Road conditions were good, visibility perfect, overtakes were careful. The only point where my arse puckered a bit was when you did the double overtake I had visions of the scooby estate pulling out on you.

adithorp - 7/6/13 at 09:31 PM

Wasn't much more than 1/2 revs. Have a look at my Blyton videos filmed from the top of the screen; They look slower despite being at 10/10ths.

The Scooby had been behind that car when it passed me while setting the camera up, so I was pretty confident it wouldn't pull out. If you listen, I lift just before committing just to be sure. Visibility from the drivers seat at that point is +500m, but looks almost blind from the camera angle.