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Gosport Stokes Bay Mon 29th
robocog - 21/8/11 at 04:28 PM

Theres a car show on at Stokes Bay Gosport on the Bank Holiday Monday 29th August

IIRC its a fiver entry (and it goes to charideee)

I know a few on here will be going its just a reminder and a heads up to anyone who fancies a day out at the seaside


smudge88 - 21/8/11 at 06:35 PM

I'm planning on going, so i will see you there !

Chippy - 21/8/11 at 09:53 PM

Yes! weather permitting I will see you there. Usually a really good show, with a nice atmosphere. Cheers Ray

f750sgr - 22/8/11 at 08:24 AM

Was thinking about it. Which end of Stokes Bay?

robocog - 22/8/11 at 09:43 PM

Ooooh someone else in my kneck of the woods...

The entrance is at the sailing clubs car park entrance and spreads out onto the field at the side of it
(reaches about half way towards the lifeboat station field)
Impossible to miss really ;-P

Theres a bit of a twist with this "show"
Displayers are invited to go out for a parade lap around Gosport at half time
Its not compulsory and is VERY much sedately paced - the roads dont get closed nor marked out and I dont recall seeing any marshalls or anything remotely organised last time I took the opportunity
...more of a general slow random procession around the area and back again

Fingers crossed for this years weather


kitch - 25/8/11 at 09:53 PM

I'm aiming to come down with the Southways demonstrator Cat (not the new one - that's not finished!) but weather permitting obviously!

robocog - 25/8/11 at 10:05 PM

Is that you Steve?
If so .. didn't know you were on here and hope all is going OK your end

Fingers crossed for decent weather


kitch - 26/8/11 at 08:00 AM

No I'm Rich, but I work with Steve and Paul. All going well thanks!