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25th September - Open Day in Fareham, Hampshire
kitch - 25/8/11 at 09:56 PM

Already touched on it but for those that don't know Southways Automotive are holding their annual open day on 25th September 2011. It's on a Sunday, so no trading going on, it's just a chance to have a nose around and see what new projects are on the go. It's a good place to meet up, have a natter and enjoy a free bacon buttie or two.

There were some convoys last year, not sure what's been arranged this year?

kitch - 13/9/11 at 10:20 PM

Just as a quick update - the new rolling road is now in the ground and the chances of it being comissioned have improved slightly. There is also a new website and a facebook page where you can check for any updates on the event.

We've got a few interesting projects in at the moment and the chance to have a run out in our black demonstrator SuperCat witht he new quickrack steering kit fitted, which we've designed and built in-house.

Hope to see some of you there

kitch - 22/9/11 at 10:21 PM

Just a heads-up for those attending - weather is (so far) looking good. A very rare and interesting late addition to the ranks turned up today too!

Doors open at 9:30 until you all go home!
